Full name Familienname, Vorname
Fried, Shelley
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Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kiraly, Viktoria ; Fried, Shelley ; Zeck, Günther Michael ; Werginz, Paul Biophysical diversity affects activation thresholds in retinal ganglion cellsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag17-Sep-2023
2Yunzab, Molis ; Nadal-Nicolas, F ; Werginz, Paul ; Turnbull, Vincent ; Stasheff, Steven F ; Fried, Shelley Structural changes in axon initial segments of ON-sustained alpha retinal ganglion cells in retinal degenerated micePresentation Vortrag13-Jun-2023
3Fried, Shelley ; Lee, Jae-ik ; Werginz, Paul Changes in baseline membrane potential underlie the non-monotonic responses of RGCs to high frequency stimulation as well as the response variability across typesPresentation Vortrag13-Jun-2023
4Lee, Jae-ik ; Werginz, Paul ; Fried, Shelley Variability in Depolarization Sensitivity Underlies Differential Responses to High-frequency Stimulation of on and off RGCsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag19-May-2023
5Fried, Shelley ; Lee, Jae-ik ; Werginz, Paul Factors underlying sensitivity differences to high frequency stimulation across RGC typesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
6Lee, Jae-ik ; Werginz, Paul ; Fried, Shelley Changes in membrane potential underlie the non-monotonic responses of RGCs to high frequency stimulation as well as the response variability across cell typesPresentation Vortrag21-Jun-2022
7Werginz, Paul ; Raghuram, Vineeth ; Fried, Shelley Cellular properties and their influence on action potential waveform in retinal ganglion cellsPresentation Vortrag21-Jun-2022
8Yunzab, Molis ; Datye, Aditya ; Turnbull, Vincent ; Rosen, Grace ; Werginz, Paul ; Lee, Jae-ik ; Whalen, Andrew ; Huber, Bertrand ; Stasheff, Steven F ; Fried, Shelley Evaluating different morphometric methods in measurement of immunolabelling of axon initial segment in layer V pyramidal neurons of mouse primary visual cortexPresentation Vortrag21-Jun-2022
9Hadjinicolaou-2020-Differential Responses to High-Frequency Electrical Sti...-am.pdf.jpgHadjinicolaou, Alex ; Werginz, Paul ; Lee, Jae-ik ; Fried, Shelley Differential Responses to High-Frequency Electrical Stimulation in Brisk-Transient and Delta Retinal Ganglion CellsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2020
10Werginz-2019-Comparison of electrically elicited responses in rabbit and m...-am.pdf.jpgWerginz, Paul ; Fried, Shelley Comparison of electrically elicited responses in rabbit and mouse retinal ganglion cellsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Jul-2019