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Jia, Xin
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Results 1-20 of 77 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mang Herbert A - 2016 - The buckling sphere A symbiosis of mechanics and...pdf.jpgMang, Herbert A. ; Pavlicek, Stefan ; Jia, Xin The buckling sphere: A symbiosis of mechanics and geometryArticle Artikel 2016
2Pavlicek, Stefan ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Jia, Xin The Consistently Linearized Eigenproblem and its Impact of an Energy RatioKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
3Zhang, Jiaolong ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Jia, Xin ; Liu, X. ; Yuan, Yong Multiscale Approach to Study the Effect of the Interfacial Transition Zone on the Elasticity Modulus of Fiber-Reinforced Fine Concrete (FRFC)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
4Guan, Xiaofei ; Liu, Xian ; Jia, Xin ; Yuan, Yong ; Cui, Junzhi ; Mang, Herbert A. A Stochastic Multiscale Model for Predicting Mechanical Properties of Fiber Reinforced ConcreteArtikel Article 2015
5Pavlicek Stefan - 2014 - Numerical Solution of the Consistently Linearized...pdf.jpgPavlicek, Stefan ; Jia, Xin ; Mang, Herbert A. Numerical Solution of the Consistently Linearized Eigenproblem by Means of a Finite Difference Expression for Approximation of a Directional Derivative in MSC.MARCArticle Artikel Dec-2014
6Jia Xin - 2014 - Displacement-based finite difference approximations of...pdf.jpgJia, Xin ; Mang, Herbert A. Displacement-based finite difference approximations of derivatives of the tangent stiffness matrix with respect to the load parameterArticle Artikel Dec-2014
7Jia, Xin Displacement-Based Finite Difference Approximations of Derivatives of the Tangent Stiffness Matrix with Respect to the Load ParameterPräsentation Presentation2014
8Jia, Xin ; Mang, Herbert A. Numerical Solution of Linear Eigenproblems Containing Derivatives of the Tangent Stiffness Matrix with Respect to the Load ParameterKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
9Mang, Herbert A. ; Jia, Xin ; Pavlicek, Stefan The Buckling Sphere - A Symbiosis of Mechanics of Solids and Spherical GeometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
10Pavlicek, Stefan ; Jia, Xin ; Mang, Herbert A. Numerical Approach for Visualization of the Buckling Sphere by Means of Resolving the Consistently Linearized EigenproblemKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
11Jia, Xin Displacement-Based Finite Difference Approximations of Derivatives of the Tangent Stiffness Matrix with Respect to the Load ParameterKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
12Jia, Xin Professor Herbert A. MangArtikel Article2014
13Jia Xin - 2013 - Determination of the derivative of the tangent stiffness matrix...pdf.jpgJia, Xin ; Mang, Herbert A. Determination of the derivative of the tangent stiffness matrix with respect to the load parameterArticle Artikel Dec-2013
14Mang, Herbert A. ; Jia, Xin The Buckling Sphere - Extension of a New Concept for Classification of Loss of Stability to ElastoplasticityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
15Jia, Xin Determination of the Derivative of the Tangent Stiffness Matrix with Respect to the Load ParameterPräsentation Presentation2013
16Pavlicek, Stefan ; Jia, Xin ; Mang, Herbert A. Numerical Solution of the Consistently Linearized Eigenproblem by Means of a Finite Difference Expression for Approximation of a Directional Derivative in MSC MARCKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
17Mang, Herbert A. ; Jia, Xin ; Pavlicek, Stefan The Buckling Sphere - Theory and Algorithmic Implementation of a New Concept for Classification of Loss of StabilityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
18Jia, Xin Revisiting the Failure Mode of a RC Hyperbolic Cooling Tower, Considering Changes of Material and Geometric PropertiesArtikel Article2013
19Mang Herbert A - 2013 - Mathematical conditions for and physical meaning of a...pdf.jpgMang, Herbert A. ; Jia, Xin Mathematical conditions for and physical meaning of a maximum of the determinant of K_T in the prebuckling regimeArticle Artikel 2013
20Jia, Xin Influence of the Effects of Tension Stiffening and Tension Softening on the Failure Mode of a RC Hyperbolic Cooling TowerPräsentation Presentation2012