Full name Familienname, Vorname
Ragwitz, Mario

Results 1-20 of 79 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Geipel, Jasper ; Janeiro, Luis ; Klessmann, Corinna ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Held, Anne ; del Rio, Pablo Assessment of Policy Pathways for Reaching the EU Target of (At Least) 27% Renewable Energies by 2030Buchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
2Koper, M ; Klessmann, Corinna ; von Blücher, Felix ; Sach, Thobias ; Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Schöniger, Franziska ; Breitschopf, Barbara ; Kühnbach, Matthias ; Steinhilber, Simone ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Brückmann, Robert ; Najdawi, Céline ; Spitzley, Jan Benjamin ; Banasiak, Jörn Technical assistance in realisation of the 4th report on progress of renewable energy in the EU - Final report - PREBS BerichtBericht Report2019
3Held, Anne ; Ragwitz, Mario ; del Rio, Pablo ; Resch, Gustav ; Klessmann, Corinna ; Hassel, Arndt ; Elkerbout, Milan ; Rawlins, James Do Almost Mature Renewable Energy Technologies Still Need Dedicated Support Towards 2030?Artikel Article 2019
4Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Geipel, Jasper ; Held, Anne ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Welisch, Marijke Support For Renewable Energies In The European Union - Lessons Learnt And Recommendations On The Way FowardKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
5Held, Anne ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Sensfuß, Frank ; Resch, Gustav ; Olmos, Luis ; Ramos, Andrés ; Rivier, Michel How can the renewables targets be reached cost-effectively? Policy options for the development of renewables and the transmission gridArtikel Article 2018
6Resch, Gustav ; Ortner, André ; Zehetner, Christoph ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Busch, Sebastian ; Welisch, Marijke ; Geipel, Jasper ; del Rio, Pablo ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Held, Anne ; Steinhilber, Simone "Dialogue on a RES policy framework for 2030", Final report of the towards2030-dialogue project. A report compiled within the IEE project towards2030-dialogueBericht Report2017
7Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Geipel, Jasper ; Held, Anne ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Klessmann, Corinna 27% Renewable Energies In The European Union By 2030 - Lessons Learnt And Recommendations On The Way FowardKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
8Ragwitz, Mario ; Busch, Sebastian ; Ortner, André ; Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Welisch, Marijke ; Zehetner, Christoph ; Boie, Inga ; Stütz, Roman ; Junginger, Martin Assessment of Renewables Policy in the EUBericht Report2016
9Duscha, Vicki ; Fougeyrollas, Arnaud ; Nathani, Carsten ; Pfaff, Matthias ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Resch, Gustav ; Schade, Wolfgang ; Breitschopf, Barbara ; Walz, Rainer Renewable energy deployment in Europe up to 2030 and the aim of a triple dividendArtikel Article 2016
10Resch, Gustav ; Ortner, André ; Zehetner, Christoph ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Busch, Sebastian ; Welisch, Marijke ; del Rio, Pablo ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Steinhilber, Simone ; Klessmann, Corinna ; Janeiro, Luis ; Teschniere, Lucie ; Genoese, Fabio ; Doukas, Harris ; Karakosta, Chara ; Papapostolou, Katarina ; Jansen, Jaap ; Veum, Karina ; Glachant, Jean Michel ; Henriot, Arthur ; Gil, Hugo ; Szabo, László Interim report towards2030-dialogue: Dialogue on a RES policy framework for 2030Bericht Report2015
11Held, Anne ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Genoese, Fabio ; Pató, Zsuzsanna ; Szabo, László Implementing the EU 2030 Climate and Energy Frame-­‐ work - a closer look at re-­‐ newables and opportunities for an Energy UnionBericht Report2015
12Welisch, Marijke ; Resch, Gustav ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Breitschopf, Barbara Costs and Benefits of RES in Europe up to 2030Bericht Report2015
13Zehetner, Christoph ; Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Genoese, Fabio The EU 2030 Framework for renewables - effective effort sharing through public benchmarksBericht Report2015
14Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Ortner, André ; Busch, Sebastian ; Panzer, Christian ; del Rio, Pablo ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Steinhilber, Simone ; Klobasa, Marian ; Winkler, J ; Gephart, Malte ; Klessmann, Corinna ; de Lovinfosse, Isabelle ; Papaefthymiou, G Final report of the beyond2020 project - approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in EuropeBericht Report2014
15Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Ortner, André ; Busch, Sebastian ; Panzer, Christian ; del Rio, Pablo ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Steinhilber, Simone ; Klobasa, Marian ; Winkler, J ; Gephart, Malte ; Klessmann, Corinna ; de Lovinfosse, Isabelle ; Papaefthymiou, G Summary report beyond2020 - approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in EuropeBericht Report2014
16Tóth, Borbála ; Selei, Adrienn ; Szabo, László ; Kaderják, Péter ; Jansen, Jaap ; Boonekamp, Piet ; Jablonska, Bronia ; Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Braungardt, Sibylle How can renewables and energy efficiency improve gas security in selected Member States?Bericht Report2014
17Held, Anne ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Resch, Gustav ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Genoese, Fabio Implementing the EU 2030 Climate and Energy Frame-work - a closer look at renewables and opportunities for an Energy UnionBericht Report2014
18Duscha, Vicki ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Breitschopf, Barbara ; Schade, Wolfgang ; Walz, Rainer ; Pfaff, Matthias ; De Visser, Erika ; Resch, Gustav ; Nathani, Carsten ; Zagame, Paul ; Fougeyrollas, Arnaud ; Boitier, Baptiste EmployRES II - Employment and growth effects of sustainable energies in the European Union (Support Activities for RES modelling post 2020)Bericht Report2014
19Ragwitz, Mario ; Resch, Gustav ; Welisch, Marijke ; Maurer, Christoph ; Busch, Sebastian ; Held, Anne ; Winkler, J Auctions for Renewable Energy in the European Union - Questions Requiring further ClarificationBericht Report2014
20Ragwitz, Mario ; Resch, Gustav ; Maurer, Christoph Ausschreibungen für Erneuerbare Energien - Welche Fragen sind zu prüfen? - Agora EnergiewendeBericht Report2014

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska ; Hasengst, Florian ; Suna, Demet ; Totschnig, Gerhard ; Sensfuß, Frank Energy system modelling of renewable energy and related energy infrastructure needsBook Contribution Buchbeitrag14-Jul-2023
2Ragwitz, Mario ; Schleich, Joachim ; Huber, Claus ; Resch, Gustav ; Faber, Thomas ; Voogt, Monique ; Cleijne, Hans ; Bodo, Peter Analyses of the EU renewable energy sources' evolution up to 2020 (FORRES 2020)Buch Book2005