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Caulkins, Jonathan P.

Results 1-20 of 73 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Hartl, Richard F. ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan The optimal lockdown intensity for COVID-19Artikel Article 2021
2Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan COVID-19 and Optimal Lockdown Strategies: The Effect of New and More Virulent StrainsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2021
3Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard F. ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan COVID-19 and optimal lockdown strategies: The effect of new and more virulent strains.Bericht Report2021
4Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan COVID-19 and optimal lockdown strategies: The effect of new and more virulent strainsBericht Report2021
5Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan COVID-19 and optimal lockdown strategies: The effect of new and more virulent strainsPräsentation Presentation2021
6Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan Schwedischer Weg oder chinesisches Modell?Artikel Article2021
7Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard F. ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan How Long Should the COVID-19 Lockdown Continue?Bericht Report2020
8Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Hartl, Richard F. ; Kort, Peter M. ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan The optimal lockdown intensity for COVID-19Bericht Report2020
9Kress, Moshe ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Grass, Dieter ; Seidl, Andrea Lanchester modelfor three-way combatArtikel Article 18-Aug-2018
10Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Tragler, Gernot ; Feichtinger, Gustav Optimal Control of Deviant BehaviorPräsentation Presentation2017
11Grass, Dieter ; Kress, Moshe ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Seidl, Andrea Lanchester Model for Three-Way CombatBericht Report2017
12Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Feichtinger, Gustav ; Grass, Dieter ; Hartl, Richard F. ; Kort, Peter M. ; Seidl, Andrea Interaction of Pricing, Advertising and Experience Quality: A Dynamic AnalysisArtikel Article 2017
13Tragler, Gernot ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. Dynamic Drug Policy: Optimally Varying the Mix of Treatment, Price-Raising Enforcement, and Primary Prevention Over TimePräsentation Presentation2016
14Feichtinger, Gustav ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Seidl, Andrea Buying a Stairway to HeavenPräsentation Presentation2016
15Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Tragler, Gernot Dynamic Drug Policy: Optimally Varying the Mix of Treatment, Price-Raising Enforcement, and Primary Prevention Over TimeBericht Report2016
16Wrzaczek, Stefan ; Kaplan, Edward H. ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Seidl, Andrea ; Feichtinger, Gustav Differential Terror Queue GamesBericht Report2016
17Seidl, Andrea ; Kaplan, Edward H. ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Wrzaczek, Stefan ; Feichtinger, Gustav Optimal Control of a Terror QueueArtikel Article 2016
18Wrzaczek, Stefan ; Kaplan, Edward H. ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Seidl, Andrea ; Feichtinger, Gustav Differential Terror Queue GamesArtikel Article 2016
19Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Tragler, Gernot Dynamic Drug Policy: Optimally Varying the Mix of Treatment, Price-Raising Enforcement, and Primary Prevention Over TimeBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2016
20Feichtinger, Gustav ; Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Grass, Dieter ; Kress, Moshe ; Seidl, Andrea ; Wrzaczek, Stefan Insights and problems in terror differential gamesPräsentation Presentation2015

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewEditor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Caulkins, Jonathan P. ; Tragler, Gernot Special Issue on Dynamic Drug Policy, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Vol. 38 No. 1Buch Book2004