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Bischi, Gian

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Bischi, Gian ; Gardini, Laura ; Kopel, Michael Noninvertble Maps and Complex Basin Boundaries in Dynamic Economic Models with Coexisting AttractorsArtikel Article2006
2Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian ; Szidarovszky, F Expectation - Stock Dynamics in Multi-Agent FisheriesArtikel Article2005
3Bischi, Gian ; Kopel, Michael ; Szidarovszky, F Competition and cooperation in commercial fishing with adaptive expectationsPräsentation Presentation2003
4Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian Global analysis of dynamic rent-seeking gamesPräsentation Presentation2003
5Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian ; Szidarovszky, F Multi-Agent Fishery ModelsPräsentation Presentation2003
6Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian ; Chiarella, N. Subjective non-nash equilibria in ologopoly games with misspecified demandPräsentation Presentation2002
7Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian ; Szidarovszky, N. Competition and cooperation in multi-agent fisheriesPräsentation Presentation2002
8Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian ; Chiarella, N. On market games with misspecified demand functions: Long run outcomes and global dynamicsPräsentation Presentation2002
9Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian ; Szidarovszky, N. Competition and co-operation in multi-agent fisheriesPräsentation Presentation2002
10Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian ; Chiarella, N. On market games with misspecified demand functionsPräsentation Presentation2002
11Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian A duopoly model of commerical fishing: The role of expectationsPräsentation Presentation2001
12Kopel, Michael ; Bischi, Gian Models of commercial fishing: The role of expectationsPräsentation Presentation2001