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Kutzelnigg, Reinhard
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Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Drmota, Michael ; Kutzelnigg, Reinhard A precise analysis of Cuckoo hashingArtikel Article 2012
2Kutzelnigg, Reinhard Combinatorial models for cooperation networksPräsentation Presentation2009
3Kutzelnigg, Reinhard Cuckoo hashing with a stashPräsentation Presentation2009
4Kutzelnigg, Reinhard An improved version of Cuckoo hashing: average case analysis of contruction cost and search operationsArtikel Article2009
5Kutzelnigg, Reinhard Random Graphs and Cuckoo HashingBuch Book2009
6Drmota, Michael ; Gittenberger, Bernhard ; Kutzelnigg, Reinhard Combinatorial Models for Cooperation NetworksKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2009
7Kutzelnigg, Reinhard An improved version of cuckoo hashing: average case analysis of construction cost and search operationsPräsentation Presentation2008
8Kutzelnigg, Reinhard The structure of sparse random bipartite graphsPräsentation Presentation2008
9Kutzelnigg, Reinhard The structure of sparse random bipartite graphsPräsentation Presentation2008
10Kutzelnigg, Reinhard ; Drmota, Michael Random bipartite graphs and their application to cuchoo hashingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2008
11Kutzelnigg, Reinhard An improved version of cuckoo hashing: average case analysis of construction cost and search operationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
12Kutzelnigg Reinhard - 2008 - Random bipartite graphs and their application to...pdf.jpgKutzelnigg, Reinhard Random bipartite graphs and their application to cuckoo hashingThesis Hochschulschrift 2008
13Kutzelnigg, Reinhard Cuckoo hashing and Random bipartite graphsPräsentation Presentation2007
14Kutzelnigg, Reinhard Cuckoo hashing and Random bipartie graphsPräsentation Presentation2007
15Kutzelnigg, Reinhard Bipartite Random graphs and Cuckoo hashingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
16Kutzelnigg Reinhard - 2005 - Analyse von Hash-Algorithmen.pdf.jpgKutzelnigg, Reinhard Analyse von Hash-AlgorithmenThesis Hochschulschrift 2005