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Voigt, Stefan
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Damian, Camilla ; Frey, Rüdiger ; Voigt, Stefan Statistical Inference for Rough and Persistent VolatilityPresentation Vortrag10-Jul-2023
2Damian, Camilla ; Frey, Rüdiger ; Voigt, Stefan Statistical Inference for Rough and Persistent VolatilityInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag7-Jul-2023
3Damian, Camilla ; Frey, Rüdiger ; Voigt, Stefan Statistical Inference for Rough and Persistent VolatilityPresentation Vortrag15-Jun-2023
4Künzer, Claudia ; Zhang, Jianzhong ; Tetzlaff, Anke ; van Dijk, Paul ; Voigt, Stefan ; Mehl, Harald ; Wagner, Wolfgang Uncontrolled coal fires and their environmental impacts: Investigating two arid mining regions in north-central ChinaArtikel Article2007
5Künzer, Claudia ; Zhang, Jianzhong ; Tetzlaff, Anke ; Voigt, Stefan ; Wagner, Wolfgang Automated Demarcation, Detection, and Quantification of Coal Fires in China Using Remote Sensing DataBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2007
6Shvidenko, Anatoly ; Nilsson, Sten ; McCallum, Ian ; Schmullius, Christiane ; Quegan, Shaun ; Le Toan, Thuy ; Bartsch, Annett ; Kidd, Richard ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Santoro, Maurizio ; Balzter, Heiko ; Voigt, Stefan ; Luckman, Adrian Regional certified full carbon account: fusion of remotely sensed data, on ground information and ecological modelingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
7Voigt, Stefan ; Petrocchi, A ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Huber, M ; Roth, Achim ; Mehl, Harald Processing of Envisat ASAR Wide Swath Imagery for derivation of biophysical parameters of Siberian forest - A contribution of the German Aerospace Center to the SIBERIA II projectKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2004