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Rehacek, J.

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Rehacek, J. ; Hradil, Z. ; Zawisky, Michael Maximum-entropy assisted Maximum-likelihood Estimation for Neutron RadiographyPräsentation Presentation2006
2Badurek, Gerald ; Facchi, P. ; Hasegawa, Yuji ; Hradil, Z. ; Pascacio, S. ; Rauch, Helmut ; Rehacek, J. ; Yoneda, T. Neutron wave-packet tomographyArtikel Article2006
3Rehacek, J. ; Hradil, Z. ; Perina, Jan ; Pascacio, S. ; Facchi, P. ; Zawisky, Michael Advanced Neutron Imaging and SensingBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2006
4Zawisky, Michael ; Bastürk, M. ; Rehacek, J. ; Hradil, Z. Neutron Tomographic Investigations of Strong Absorbing MaterialsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
5Badurek, Gerald ; Hradil, Z. ; Lvovsky, Alexander ; Molina-Teriza, Gabriel ; Rauch, Helmut ; Rehacek, J. ; Vaziri, Alipasha ; Zawisky, Michael 10 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation in Experimental Quantum PhysicsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2004
6Zawisky, Michael ; Bastürk, M. ; Rehacek, J. Neutron Tomographic Investigations of Strong Absorbing MaterialsPräsentation Presentation2002