Full name Familienname, Vorname
Lebano, Adele

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Birbaumer, Andrea ; Lebano, Adele ; Ponzellini, Anna ; Tolar, Marianne ; Wagner, Ina From the Margins to a Field of Opportunities: Life Story Patterns of Women in ICTArtikel Article2007
2Birbaumer, Andrea ; Lebano, Adele ; Ponzellini, Anna M. ; Tolar, Marianne ; Wagner, Ina Donne nelle professioni Ict: il modello 'Dai margini a un mondo di opportunità' nel confronto tra Austria e ItaliaBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2006
3Valenduc, Gérard ; Vendramin, Patricia ; Guffens, Caroline ; Ponzellini, Anna M. ; Lebano, Adele ; D´Ouville, Laurence ; Collet, Isabelle ; Wagner, Ina ; Birbaumer, Andrea ; Tolar, Marianne ; Webster, Juliet Widening Women's Work in Information and Communication Technology - Synthesis report of the European project 2002-2004Bericht Report2004