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Heinkelmann, Robert
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Results 1-20 of 77 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Englich, Sigrid ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Schuh, Harald Direct estimation of tidally induced Earth rotation variations observed by VLBIArtikel Article2009
2Schuh, Harald ; Heinkelmann, Robert Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI): Accuracy Limits and Relativistic TestsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
3Böhm, Johannes ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Neutral atmosphere delays: Empirical models versus discrete time series from numerical weather modelsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2009
4Heinkelmann, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Schuh, Harald ; Tesmer, V. The effect of meteorological input data on the VLBI reference framesBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2009
5Schuh, Harald ; Böhm, Johannes ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Pany, Andrea Observation Level Versus a Posteriori Atmosphere Loading Corrections in VLBI AnalysisPräsentation Presentation2008
6Kudryashova, Maria ; Weber, Robert ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Combination of nutation time series based on VLBI and GNSS observations collected during CONT05Präsentation Presentation2008
7Böhm, Johannes ; Pany, Andrea ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald ; Steigenberger, Peter ; Tesmer, V. Interaction between atmospheric loading and troposphere delays in space geodetic techniquesPräsentation Presentation2008
8Schuh, Harald ; Behrend, Dirk ; Niell, Arthur ; Petrachenko, W. ; Heinkelmann, Robert Current State and Future Developments of the IVS and Geodetic VLBIPräsentation Presentation2008
9Heinkelmann, Robert VLBI and its applications for geosciencesPräsentation Presentation2008
10Englich, Sigrid ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Schuh, Harald Direct estimation of tidally induced Earth rotation varioations observed by VLBIPräsentation Presentation2008
11Kudryashova, Maria ; Snajdrova, Kristina ; Weber, Robert ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Combination of Nutation Time Series Derived from VLBI and GNSSArtikel Article2008
12Englich, Sigrid ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Re-assessment of Ocean Tidal Terms in High-Frequency Earth Rotation Variations Observed by VLBIArtikel Article2008
13Heinkelmann, Robert ; Freymueller, J. ; Schuh, Harald A postseismic relaxation model for the 2002 Denali Earthquake from GPS Deformation Analysis applied to VLBI DataArtikel Article2008
14Teke, Kamil ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Schuh, Harald VLBI Baseline Length Repeatability Tests of IVS-R1 and -R4 Session TypesArtikel Article2008
15Heinkelmann, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Schuh, Harald Effects of surface pressure and temperature on the VLBI reference framesArtikel Article2008
16Heinkelmann, Robert Determination of tropospheric parameters by VLBIPräsentation Presentation2008
17Englich, Sigrid ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Some plausible causes of radio source coordinate variationsPräsentation Presentation2008
18Englich, Sigrid ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Re-assessment of ocean tidal terms in high frequency Earth rotation variations observed by VLBIPräsentation Presentation2008
19Sokolova, Julia ; Malkin, Zinovy ; Heinkelmann, Robert ; Schuh, Harald Analysis of radio source coordinate variationsPräsentation Presentation2008
20Heinkelmann, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Schuh, Harald Effects of surface pressure and temperature on the VLBI reference framesPräsentation Presentation2008