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Mouhot, Clement

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Daus, Esther Sarah ; Jüngel, Ansgar ; Mouhot, Clement ; Zamponi, Nicola HYPOCOERCIVITY FOR A LINEARIZED MULTISPECIES BOLTZMANN SYSTEMArtikel Article 2016
2Daus, Esther Sarah ; Jüngel, Ansgar ; Mouhot, Clement ; Zamponi, Nicola Hypocoercivity for a linearized multi-species Boltzmann systemBericht Report2015
3Arnold, Anton ; Gamba, Irene ; Gualdani, Maria Pia ; Mischler, Stéphane ; Mouhot, Clement ; Sparber, Christof THE WIGNER–FOKKER–PLANCK EQUATION: STATIONARY STATES AND LARGE TIME BEHAVIORArtikel Article 2012
4Arnold, Anton ; Gamba, Irene ; Gualdani, Maria Pia ; Mischler, Stephane ; Mouhot, Clement ; Sparber, Christof The Wigner-Fokker-Planck equation: stationary states and large time behaviorBericht Report2010