Full name Familienname, Vorname
Karabatic, Ana
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Results 1-20 of 44 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Weber, Robert ; Karabatic, Ana ; Möller, Gregor ; Wang, Yong ; Yan, Xin ; Klug, Christian ; Felsberger, Harald Determination of Atmospheric Water Vapour Changes Using GNSS - Observations and their Assimilation into the Operational Weather Forecast System ALADIN-AUSTRIABericht Report2011
2Karabatic, Ana Meteorology - Use of GNSS Reference Station Data for Troposphere MonitoringPräsentation Presentation2011
3Karabatić, Ana ; Weber, Robert ; Haiden, Thomas Near real-time estimation of tropospheric water vapour content from ground based GNSS data and its potential contribution to weather now-casting in AustriaArtikel Article2011
4Weber, Robert ; Möller, Gregor ; Karabatic, Ana ; Magnet, Nina ; Böhm, Johannes Regional near real-time tropospheric delay processing and assimilation into weather forecast and nowcast modelsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
5Möller, Gregor ; Weber, Robert ; Karabatic, Ana ; Yan, Xin ; Wang, Yong Bestimmung des integralen Wasserdampfgehaltes in der Atmosphäre basierend auf GNSS - Beobachtungen und dessen Potential zur Verbesserung der Wettervorhersage in ÖsterreichKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
6Thaler, Gottfried ; Karabatic, Ana ; Weber, Robert Precise Point Positioning - Towards Real-Time ApplicationsArtikel Article2011
7Weber, Robert ; Thaler, Gottfried ; Karabatic, Ana ; Hinterberger, Fabian ; Magnet, Nina Analyzing site coordinates and tropospheric delays obtained by Real-Time PPPKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
8Karabatic Ana - 2011 - Precise point positioning PPP an alternative technique...pdf.jpgKarabatić, Ana Precise point positioning : (PPP) ; an alternative technique for ground based GNSS troposphere monitoringBuch Book 2011
9Karabatic, Ana ; Weber, Robert ; Huber, Katrin ; Abart, Christoph ; Heuberger, Florian ; Berglez, Philipp ; Seybold, Jürgen ; Klug, Christian Concepts to limit convergence time of GPS-based Precise Point Positioning (PPP)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
10Weber, Robert ; Karabatic, Ana ; Thaler, Gottfried ; Abart, Christoph ; Huber, Katrin A closer look at the concept of regional clocks for Precise Point PositioningKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
11Abart, Christoph ; Huber, Katrin ; Weber, Robert ; Karabatic, Ana ; Thaler, Gottfried ; Berglez, Philipp ; Kemetinger, A. ; Klug, Christian ; Karas, Robert ASAP Projekt Innovative Algorithms for Rapid Precise Point Positioning (RA-PPP) - Final ReportBericht Report2010
12Weber, Robert ; Möller, Gregor ; Karabatic, Ana Projekt GNSSMET-AUSTRIA Mid Term Report: "Bestimmung atmosphärischer Feuchteänderungen aus GNSS - Beobachtungen und deren Assimilation in das operationelle Wetterprognosesystem ALADIN-AUSTRIA"Bericht Report2010
13Karabatic, Ana ; Weber, Robert ; Haiden, T Near real-time estimation of tropospheric water vapour content from ground based GNSS data and its potential contribution to weather now-casting in AustriaPräsentation Presentation2010
14Karabatic, Ana ; Weber, Robert ; Huber, Katrin ; Abart, Christoph ; Heuberger, Florian ; Berglez, Philipp ; Seybold, Jürgen ; Klug, Christian Concepts to limit convergence time of GPS-based Precise Point Positioning (PPP)Präsentation Presentation2010
15Karabatic, Ana ; Thaler, Gottfried ; Weber, Robert Improved PPP convergence time using regional satellite clock correctionsPräsentation Presentation2010
16Huber, Katrin ; Heuberger, Florian ; Abart, Christoph ; Karabatic, Ana ; Weber, Robert ; Berglez, Philipp PPP: Precise Point Positioning - Constraints and OpportunitiesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
17Thaler, Gottfried ; Karabatic, Ana ; Weber, Robert Consistency check of improved real-time clock and orbit products by means of PPPKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
18Möller, Gregor ; Weber, Robert ; Karabatic, Ana ; Yan, Xin ; Wang, Tin Estimation of near real-time tropospheric delays from a nationwide reference station network and their assimilation into weather forecast modelsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
19Weber, Robert ; Schuh, Harald ; Karabatic, Ana ; Idrizi, Bashkim ; Kabashi, Ismail ; Pashova, Lybka ; Ivanov, G. ; Mulic, Medzida ; Srbisnoski, Zlatko ; Bogdanovski, Zlatko ; Gjata, Gezim ; Isufi, E. Balkan countries integration into GGOSBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2010
20Weber, Robert ; Karabatic, Ana The IAG Study Group 4.2 on IGS products for Network RTK and Atmospheric MonitoringKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009