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Carter, Emily

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Cheng, Jin ; Libisch, Florian ; Yu, Kuang ; Chen, Mohan ; Dieterich, Johannes M. ; Carter, Emily Potential Functional Embedding Theory at the Correlated Wave Function Level. 1. Mixed Basis Set EmbeddingArtikel Article 14-Mar-2017
2Libisch, Florian ; Marsman, M. ; Yu, Kuang ; Kresse, Georg ; Carter, Emily Embedding approaches for bulk systems using projector-augmented wavesPräsentation Presentation2016
3Krisiloff, David ; Dieterich, Johannes M. ; Libisch, Florian ; Carter, Emily Numerical Challenges in a Cholesky-decomposed Local Correlation Quantum Chemistry FrameworkBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2015
4Ke, Youqi ; Libisch, Florian ; Xia, Junchao ; Carter, Emily Angular momentum dependent orbital free density functional theory: Formulation and implementationPräsentation Presentation2014
5Libisch, Florian ; Huang, Chen ; Chen, J. ; Carter, Emily Tackling Molecule-Surface Interactions Using Embedding MethodsPräsentation Presentation2014
6Ke, Youqi ; Libisch, Florian ; Wang, Lin-Wang ; Xia, Junchao ; Carter, Emily Angular Momentum Dependent Orbital Free Density Functional TheoryPräsentation Presentation2013