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Hilger, Ludwig

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hilger, Ludwig ; Dusik, Jana-Marie ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Haas, Florian ; Glira, Philipp ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Vehling, Lucas ; Rohn, Joachim ; Morche, David ; Baewert, Henning ; Stocker-Waldhuber, Martin ; Kuhn, Michael ; Becht, Michael A Sediment Budget of the Upper KaunertalBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
2Hilger, Ludwig ; Dusik, Jana ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Haas, Florian ; Näher, Martin ; Rumohr, Philipp ; Glira, Philipp ; Vehling, Lucas ; Becht, Michael High-resolution measurements of morphodynamics in rapidly changing PROglacial Systems of the Alps - results from the PROSA projectKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
3Hilger, Ludwig ; Dusik, Jana ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Haas, Florian ; Glira, Philipp ; Becht, Michael Quantification of debris flow events in the upper Kauner valley (√ñtztal Alps) for the years of 1953-2012Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
4Glira, Philipp ; Briese, Christian ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Dusik, Jana ; Hilger, Ludwig ; Neugirg, Fabian ; Baewert, Henning Accuracy analysis of height difference models derived from terrestrial laser scanning point cloudsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014