Full name Familienname, Vorname
Gasser, Brigitte

Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gassler, Thomas ; Sauer, Michael ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Egermeier, Michael ; Troyer, Christina ; Causon, Tim ; Hann, Stephan ; Mattanovich, Diethard ; Steiger, Matthias G. The industrial yeast Pichia pastoris is converted from a heterotroph into an autotroph capable of growth on CO₂Artikel Article 2020
2Peña, David A. ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Zanghellini, Jürgen ; Steiger, Matthias G. ; Mattanovich, Diethard Metabolic engineering of Pichia pastorisArtikel Article 2018
3Radebner, Theresa ; Wanka, Franziska ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Seiboth, Bernhard Elucidation of the regulatory network of Trichoderma reesei operating under cellulose-degrading conditionsPräsentation Presentation2018
4Radebner, Theresa ; Wanka, Franziska ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Seiboth, Bernhard Shedding light on the regulatory network of the fungus Trichoderma reesei operating under cellulose- degrading conditionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
5Radebner, Theresa ; Wanka, Franziska ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Seiboth, Bernhard The Regulatory Network of Trichoderma reesei Present under Cellulase Expressing ConditionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
6Radebner, Theresa ; Wanka, Franziska ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Seiboth, Bernhard Shedding light on the regulatory network of the fungus Trichoderma reesei operating under cellulose-degrading conditionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
7Radebner, Theresa ; Bischof, Robert ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Seiboth, Bernhard Cellular mechanisms of regulation during enzyme production in Trichoderma reeseiKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
8Nocon, Justyna ; Steiger, Matthias ; Mairinger, Teresa ; Hohlweg, Jonas ; Rußmayer, Hannes ; Hann, Stephan ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Mattanovich, Diethard Increasing pentose phosphate pathway flux enhances recombinant protein production in Pichia pastorisArtikel Article 2016
9Gasser, Brigitte ; Steiger, Matthias G. ; Mattanovich, Diethard Methanol regulated yeast promoters: production vehicles and toolbox for synthetic biologyArtikel Article2015
10Russmayer, Hannes ; Troyer, Christina ; Neubauer, Stefan ; Steiger, Matthias G. ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Hann, Stephan ; Koellensperger, Gunda ; Sauer, Michael ; Mattanovich, Diethard Metabolomics sampling of Pichia pastoris revisited: rapid filtration prevents metabolite loss during quenchingArtikel Article2015
11Rußmayer, Hannes ; Buchetics, Markus ; Gruber, Clemens ; Valli, Minoska ; Grillitsch, Karlheinz ; Modarres, Gerda ; Guerrasio, Raffaele ; Klavins, Kristaps ; Neubauer, Stefan ; Drexler, Hedda ; Steiger, Matthias ; Troyer, Christina ; Al Chalabi, Ali ; Krebiehl, Guido ; Sonntag, Denise ; Zellnig, Günther ; Daum, Günther ; Graf, Alexandra B. ; Altmann, Friedrich ; Koellensperger, Gunda ; Hann, Stephan ; Sauer, Michael ; Mattanovich, Diethard ; Gasser, Brigitte Systems-level organization of yeast methylotrophic lifestyleArtikel Article 2015
12Nocon, Justyna ; Steiger, Matthias ; Pfeffer, Martin ; Sohn, Seung Bum ; Kim, Tae Young ; Maurer, Michael ; Rußmayer, Hannes ; Pflügl, Stefan ; Ask, Magnus ; Haberhauer-Troyer, Christina ; Ortmayr, Karin ; Hann, Stephan ; Koellensperger, Gunda ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Lee, Sang Yup ; Mattanovich, Diethard Model based engineering of Pichia pastoris central metabolism enhances recombinant protein productionArtikel Article Jul-2014
13Rebnegger, Corinna ; Graf, Alexandra ; Valli, Minoska ; Steiger, Matthias ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Maurer, Michael ; Mattanovich, Diethard In Pichia pastoris, growth rate regulates protein synthesis and secretion, mating and stress responseArtikel Article2014
14Przylucka, Agnieszka ; Livoi, Miriam ; Espino Tenorio de Rammer, Liliana ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Atanasova, Lea ; Mattanovich, Diethard ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Druzhinina, Irina Recombinant production of class II hydrophobins from Trichoderma virens by three microbial cell factoriesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
15Gasser, Brigitte ; Prielhofer, Roland ; Marx, Hans ; Maurer, Michael ; Nocon, Justyna ; Steiger, Matthias ; Puxbaum, Verena ; Sauer, Michael ; Mattanovich, Diethard Pichia pastoris: protein production host and model organism for biomedical researchArtikel Article2013
16Neubauer, Stefan ; Haberhauer-Troyer, Christina ; Klavins, Kristaps ; Rußmayer, Hannes ; Steiger, Matthias ; Gasser, Brigitte ; Sauer, Michael ; Mattanovich, Diethard ; Hann, Stephan ; Köllensperger, Gunda U¹³C cell extract of Pichia pastoris - a powerful tool for evaluation of sample preparation in metabolomicsArtikel Article 2012

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Wurm, David Johannes ; Spadiut, Oliver Efficient Development of a Mixed Feed Process for Pichia pastorisBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
2Wurm, David Johannes ; Spadiut, Oliver Purification of Recombinant Glycoproteins from Pichia pastoris Culture SupernatantsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019