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Twidell, John

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Swider, Derk Jan ; Beurskens, Luuk ; Davidson, Sarah ; Twidell, John ; Pyrko, Jurek ; Prüggler, Wolfgang ; Auer, Johann ; Vertin, Katarina ; Skema, Romualdas Conditions and costs for renewables electricity grid connection: Examples in EuropeArtikel Article2008
2Resch, Gustav ; Lopez-Polo, Assun ; Auer, Johann ; Haas, Reinhard ; Twidell, John ; Kjaer, Christian ; Chandler, Hugo Electricity from renewable energy sources in EU-15 countries - a review of promotion strategies, Report of WP 1 of Project REXPANSIONBericht Report2005
3Resch, Gustav ; Auer, Johann ; Stadler, Michael ; Nielsen, Lars Henrik ; Twidell, John Pushing a least cost integration of green electricity into the European grid, GreenNet. Dynamics and basic interactions of RES-E with the grid, switchable loads and storages, work package 1Bericht Report2003
4Auer, Johann ; Stadler, Michael ; Schuster, Thomas ; Taus, Hans ; Nielsen, Lars Henrik ; Twidell, John ; Swider, Derk Jan Pushing a least cost integration of green electricity into the European grid, GreenNet. Cost and Technical Constraints of RES-E Grid Integration, Work package 2Bericht Report2003