Full name Familienname, Vorname
Hof, Franz
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hof, Franz ; Prettner, Klaus Relative consumption, relative wealth, and long-run growth: when and why is the standard analysis prone to incorrect conclusions?Article Artikel 2023
2Hof, Franz X. ; Prettner, Klaus Relative consumption, relative wealth, and long-run growth: When and why is the standard analysis prone to erroneous conclusions?Bericht Report2019
3Hof, Franz X. ; Prettner, Klaus The quest for status and R&D-based growthArtikel Article 2019
4Hof, Franz X. ; Prettner, Klaus The Quest for Status and R&D-based GrowthBericht Report2016
5Hof, Franz X. ; Prettner, Klaus The Quest for Status and R&D-based GrowthBericht Report2016
6Hof, Franz X. ; Wirl, Franz Wealth Induced Multiple Equilibria in Small Open Economy Versions of the Ramsey ModelArtikel Article2008
7Fisher, Walter H. ; Hof, F. X. The quest for status and endogenous labor supply: the relative wealth frameworkArtikel Article2008
8Hof, Franz X. ; Wirl, Franz ; Novak, Andreas J. Happiness due to Consumption and its Increases, Wealth and StatusArtikel Article2008
9Hof, Franz X. Relative Wealth and Heterogeneous Agents - Catching-Up vs. Over-Catching-Up or Persistent InequalityPräsentation Presentation2007
10Hof, Franz X. ; Fisher, Walter H. The Quest for Status and Endogenous Labor Supply: The Relative Wealth FrameworkPräsentation Presentation2006
11Hof, Franz X. ; Fisher, Walter H. The Quest for Status and Endogenous Labor Supply: The Relative Wealth FrameworkPräsentation Presentation2006
12Hof, Franz X. ; Berger, Johannes Jealousy and Equilibrium Overconsumption - CommentPräsentation Presentation2005
13Fisher, Walter H. ; Hof, Franz X. The Quest for Status and Endogenous Labor Supply: The Relative Wealth FrameworkArtikel Article2005
14Fisher, Walter H. ; Hof, Franz X. Status seeking in the small open economyArtikel Article2005
15Hof, Franz X. Does the Quest for Status give Rise to Excessive Work Effort and Excessive Consumption? Relative Consumption versus Relative WealthPräsentation Presentation2004
16Hof, Franz X. Does the Quest for Status give Rise to Excessive Work Effort and Excessive Consumption? Relative Consumption versus Relative WealthPräsentation Presentation2004
17Hof, Franz X. ; Wirl, Franz Wealth Induced Multiple Equilibria in Small Open Economy Versions of the Ramsey ModelBericht Report2002
18Hof, Franz X. ; Wirl, Franz Status Seeking in the Small Open EconomyBericht Report2002

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).