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Sampoli, M.L.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Peternell, Martin ; Odehnal, Boris ; Sampoli, M.L. On quadratic two-parameter families of spheres and their envelopesArtikel Article2008
2Peternell, Martin ; Odehnal, Boris ; Sampoli, M.L. Rational Parameterizations of the Cyclographic Images of Quadratic Triangular Bézier SurfacesBericht Report2007
3Sampoli, M.L. ; Peternell, Martin ; Jüttler, B. Exact Parameterization of convolution surfaces and rational surfaces with linear normalsArtikel Article2006
4Sampoli, M.L. ; Peternell, Martin ; Jüttler, B. Exact Parameterization of Convolution Surfaces and Rational Surfaces with Linear NormalsBericht Report2005