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Tatlisu, Halit
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Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Tatlisu, H. ; Balak, V. ; Beckman, I.N. ; Kardjilov, N. ; Hilger, A. ; Rauch, Helmut Imaging and diffusion structural diagnostics of silicon carbide-based composites and fibresArtikel Article 23-Aug-2012
2Tatlisu, H. ; Balog, S. ; Hilger, A. ; Kardjilov, N. ; Rauch, Helmut Non-Destructive inspection of SiC/SiC composite inner structurePräsentation Presentation2010
3Tatlisu, H. ; Hameed, F. ; Hilger, A. ; Kardjilov, N. ; Rauch, Helmut Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of AcceleratorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
4Tatlisu, H. ; Hameed, F. ; Hilger, A. ; Kardjilov, N. ; Rauch, Helmut Non-Destructive inspection of SiC/SiC composites structurePräsentation Presentation2009
5Tatlisu, H. ; Bichler, Max ; Hilger, A. ; Kardjilov, N. ; Rauch, Helmut Investigation of SiC/SiC compositesPräsentation Presentation2009
6Tatlisu, H. ; Walter, P. ; Strobl, M. Investigation of the fusion relevant material by USANSBericht Report2008
7Tatlisu, H. ; Balek, V. ; Bichler, Max ; Rauch, Helmut ; Wildpaner, Volker Neutron Activation and Scattering Investigation of SiC/SiC compositesPräsentation Presentation2008
8Tatlisu, H. ; Bichler, Max ; Hilger, A. ; Kardjilov, N. ; Rauch, Helmut Crack/Porosity and Impurity Investigation of SiC/SiC compositePräsentation Presentation2008
9Tatlisu, H. ; Bastürk, M. ; Rauch, Helmut ; Trinker, M. Structural Investigation of SiCf/SiC CompositesArtikel Article2008
10Tatlisu, H. ; Bastürk, M. ; Dai, Y. ; Rauch, Helmut ; Trinker, M. Micro-structural deformation of SiCf/SiC composite under high radiationPräsentation Presentation2007
11Tatlisu, H. ; Bastürk, M. ; Dai, Y. ; Rauch, Helmut ; Trinker, M. Structural Changes in SiCf/SiC Composite by IrradiationPräsentation Presentation2007
12Rauch, Helmut ; Tatlisu, H. ; Bastürk, M. ; Balek, V. ; Wildpaner, Volker Micro- and Nano-structural Investigation of SiCfSiC CompositsPräsentation Presentation2007
13Tatlisu, H. ; Rauch, Helmut ; Wildpaner, Volker ; Balek, V. ; Sahin, S. Structural Investigation of SiCf/SiC CompositesPräsentation Presentation2007
14Bastürk, M. ; Rauch, Helmut ; Tatlisu, H. ; Trinker, M. Recent Improvements in SiCf/SiC Composites and Neutron InvestigationsPräsentation Presentation2006
15Bastürk, M. ; Tatlisu, H. ; Böck, Helmuth Nondestructive inspection of fresh WWER-440 fuel assembliesArtikel Article2006
16Tatlisu, Halit Sediment dating by thermoluminescence and optical stimulated luminescenceThesis Hochschulschrift2004
17Tatlisu, H. Container construction for the Pu-Be -Source at the Atominstitut WienBericht Report2003