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Schrenk, M.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Böck, Helmuth ; Hengster, S. ; Schwarz, V. ; Schrenk, M. ; Swoboda, M. Improvements of technical measures to detect and respond to illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materialBericht Report2006
2Schrenk, M. Measurements of Radioactive Medical Isotopes which could cause "Innocent Alarms" at Border Monitoring Systems"Bericht Report2004
3Schrenk, M. ; Arlt, R. ; Beck, P. ; Böck, Helmuth ; König, F. ; Leitha, T. A Real Time, Isotope- Identifying Gamma Spectrometer for Monitoring PedestriansPräsentation Presentation2004
4Böck, Helmuth ; Arlt, R. ; Swoboda, M. ; Schrenk, M. ; Beck, P. ; Schmidt, F.W. ; Marosi, G. ; Krol, C. ; Moser, G. Automatic Flagging of "Innocent" Radiation Alarms at Airport Pedestrian MonitorsPräsentation Presentation2003

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Dianin-2022-Automation of Rural Collective Transport Conceptualising thre...-vor.pdf.jpgDianin, Alberto ; Gidam, Michael ; Ravazzoli, Elisa ; Hauger, Georg Automation of Rural Collective Transport: Conceptualising three Alternative Use Cases based on Underexplored Rural Transport SpecificitiesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 10-Nov-2022
2Hohenecker-2022-Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics fo...-vor.pdf.jpgHohenecker, Nina ; Knoll, Bente ; Schlembach, Christopher ; Hauger, Georg ; Sammer, Gabriela ; Schiesser, Beatrix Automated Mobility and Inclusion as Educational Topics for Children and Juveniles and as Tasks and Responsibilities of Mobility Planning: Work-Report on the Project AM4KidsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 10-Nov-2022