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Adroja, D.T.

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1Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Lord, James High field μSR study of short and long range magnetic correlations in CeNi9GeGa3 and CeNi9Ga4Bericht Report2021
2Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Scheidt, Ernst-Wilhelm ; Senyshyn, A. Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of the Magnetic Structures of CeNi9GeGa3 and CeNi9Ga4Bericht Report2019
3Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of the Crystalline Electric Field of CeNi9GeGa3 and CeNi9Ga4Bericht Report2019
4Anand, V.K. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Strydom, André M. ; Michor, Herwig ; McEwen, K.A. ; Rainford, B.D. Specific heat and μSR study on the noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaRhSi3Artikel Article 28-Feb-2011
5Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Koza, M. ; Baumfeld, Oliver ; Lorenzer, Karl-Anton ; Müller, Herbert ; Hilscher, Gerfried Ferromagnetic spin-fluctuations and itinerant electron metamagnetism in LaCo₉Si₄Präsentation Presentation2011
6Adroja, D.T. ; Strydom, André M. ; Bewley, R.I. ; Murani, A.P. ; Paschen, Silke Inelastic neutron scattering investigations on a Kondo semimetal compound: CeRu₄Sn₆Präsentation Presentation2009
7Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Koza, M. Spin fluctuations near ferromagnetic quantum criticality in the itinerant metamagnet LaCo9Si4Bericht Report2009
8Michor, Herwig ; Lorenzer, Karl-Anton ; Adroja, D.T. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Koza, M. ; Scheidt, Ernst-Wilhelm ; Schnelle, W. ; Bauer, Ernst ; Müller, Herbert ; Hilscher, Gerfried Ferromagnetic spin-fluctuations and itinerant electron metamagnetism in LaCo₉Si₄Präsentation Presentation2009
9Sondezi-Mhlungu, B.M. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Strydom, A.M. ; Paschen, S. ; Goremychkin, E.A. Crystal electric field excitations in ferromagnetic CeTX compoundsArtikel Article2009
10Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Koza, M. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Telling, M. ; Scheidt, E.W. ; Hilscher, Gerfried μSR and inelastic neutron studies on CeNi₉Ge₄Präsentation Presentation2007
11Manalo, S. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Koza, M. ; Scheidt, Ernst-Wilhelm ; Telling, M. ; Michor, Herwig μSR and Inelastic Neutron Studies on CeNi₉Ge₄Präsentation Presentation2007
12Strydom, A.M. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Paschen, S. ; Steglich, F. Low-temperature muon spin relaxation measurements on CeRu₄Sn₆Artikel Article2007
13Bauer, E. ; Grytsiv, A. ; Rogl, P. ; Kockelmann, W. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Goremychkin, E.A. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Park, J.-G. Neutron scattering and μSR studies on the skutterudite Pr0.73Fe4Sb12Artikel Article 2007
14Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Telling, M. Study of a cross-over from non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid state in applied fieldBericht Report2006
15Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Koza, M. Quantum fluctuations in the novel non-Fermi-Liquid system CeNi9Ge4Bericht Report2006
16Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Bauer, Ernst ; Bewley, R ; Dobozanov, D. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Hilscher, Gerfried ; Killer, U. ; Koza, M. ; Manalo, S. ; Manuel, P. ; Reissner, Michael ; Rogl, Peter Franz ; Rotter, M. ; Scheidt, Ernst-Wilhelm Unusual non-Fermi liquid behavior in CeNi9Ge4*Artikel Article 2006
17Bauer, Ernst ; Hilscher, Gerfried ; Michor, Herwig ; Grytsiv, Andriy ; Rogl, Peter Franz ; Kockelmann, W.A. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Park, J.-G. Neutron scatterig and µSR studies on the skutterudite PrFe4Sb12Präsentation Presentation2006
18Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Koza, M. Investigating E/Tscaling in the novel non-Fermi-Liquid system CeNi9Ge4Bericht Report2005
19Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Manuel, P. Survey of diffuse scattering in the non Fermi liquid system CeNi9Ge4Bericht Report2005
20Michor, Herwig ; Adroja, D.T. ; Bauer, Ernst ; Bewley, R.I. ; Dobozanov, D. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Hilscher, Gerfried ; Killer, U. ; Koza, M. ; Manalo, S. ; Manuel, P. ; Reissner, Michael ; Rogl, Peter Franz ; Rotter, M. ; Scheidt, Ernst-Wilhelm Unsusual Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in CeNi₉Ge₄Präsentation Presentation2005