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Gradinger, Cornelia

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Höllbacher, Eva 4.9 - Volatile organic compounds - harmless bio-based materials and processes (4. Quartalsbericht)Bericht Report2012
2Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Höllbacher, Eva 4.9 - Volatile organic compounds - harmless bio-based materials and processes (1. Halbjahresbericht)Bericht Report2012
3Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Höllbacher, Eva 4.9 - Volatile organic compounds - harmless bio-based materials and processes (3. Quartalsbericht)Bericht Report2012
4Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Höllbacher, Eva 4.9 - Volatile organic compounds - harmless bio-based materials and processes (2. Halbjahresbericht)Bericht Report2012
5Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Höllbacher, Eva 4.9 - Volatile organic compounds - harmless bio-based materials and processes (Jahresbericht)Bericht Report2012
6Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Höllbacher, Eva 4.9 - Volatile organic compounds - harmless bio-based materials and processes (2. Quartalsbericht)Bericht Report2012
7Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Höllbacher, Eva 4.9 - Volatile organic compounds - harmless bio-based materials and processes (1. Quartalsbericht)Bericht Report2012
8Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia Projekt 2.1 : Faser-Matrix-Wechselwirkung in Holz-Polymer-VerbundwerkstoffenBericht Report2011
9Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia Projekt 1.1 : Untersuchung von Holzinhaltsstoffen für Holzraffineriekonzepte und optimierte HolzwerkstoffeBericht Report2011
10Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Ters, Thomas ; Fackler, Karin ; Kuncinger, Thomas ; Srebotnik, Ewald Fungal pretreatment of pine wood to reduce the emission of volatile organic compoundsArtikel Article2011
11Stratev, Daniel ; Ters, Thomas ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Srebotnik, Ewald Biotechnologische Kontrolle von VOC-EmissionenBericht Report2010
12Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Ters, Thomas ; Kuncinger, Thomas ; Fackler, Karin ; Messner, Kurt ; Srebotnik, Ewald Volatile organic compound emissions from boards made of fungally pretreated pine woodKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
13Stratev, Daniel ; Ters, Thomas ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Messner, Kurt ; Fackler, Karin Fungal influence on VOC emission from pine wood particlesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
14Stratev, Daniel ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Ters, Thomas ; Fackler, Karin ; Kuncinger, Thomas ; Srebotnik, Ewald Fungal pretreatment of pine wood to reduce the emission of volatile organic compoundsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
15Gradinger, Cornelia ; Stratev, Daniel ; Messner, Kurt ; Heydeck, Paul ; Fackler, Karin Biological control of the blue-stain fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea in the fieldKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
16Stratev, Daniel ; Ters, Thomas ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Srebotnik, Ewald Biotechnologische Kontrolle von VOC-EmissionenBericht Report2009
17Stratev, Daniel ; Ters, Thomas ; Gradinger, Cornelia ; Messner, Kurt ; Fackler, Karin Impact of fungal activity on VOC emissions from pine wood particlesArtikel Article2009
18Gradinger, Cornelia ; Boisselet, Tsilla ; Stratev, Daniel ; Ters, Thomas ; Messner, Kurt ; Fackler, Karin Biological control of sapstain fungi: From laboratory experiments to field trials: 10th EWLP, Stockholm, Sweden, August 25–28, 2008Artikel Article 2009
19Gradinger, Cornelia ; Boisselet, Tsilla ; Messner, Kurt ; Fackler, Karin Biological control of the sapstain fungus Diplodia pinea (syn.Sphaeropsis sapinea) in the fieldKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
20Gradinger, Cornelia ; Boisselet, Tsilla ; Messner, Kurt ; Heydeck, Paul ; Fackler, Karin Biological control of the blue-stain fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea in the fieldKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008