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Feth, Martin P.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Feth, Martin P. ; Kickelbick, Guido ; Gross, Silvia ; Bauer, Josef ; Krishnan, V. ; Wendel, Eric ; Schubert, Ulrich ; Bertagnolli, Helmut EXAFS Investigations on Nanocomposites Composed of Surface-Modified HafniumBericht Report2003
2Feth, Martin P. ; Kickelbick, Guido ; Krishnan, V. ; Holzinger, Dieter ; Gross, Silvia ; Torma, Viktoria ; Bertagnolli, Helmut Structural investigation of the formation of organically surface-modifiedBericht Report2002
3Kickelbick, Guido ; Feth, Martin P. ; Bertagnolli, Helmut ; Puchberger, Michael ; Holzinger, Dieter ; Gross, Silvia Formation of organically surface-modified metal oxo clusters from carboxylic acids and metal alkoxides: a mechanistic studyArtikel Article2002
4Feth, Martin P. ; Kickelbick, Guido ; Moraru, Bogdan Adrian ; Trimmel, Gregor ; Schubert, Ulrich ; Bertagnolli, Helmut EXAFS investigation on Nanocomposites Composed of Surface-Modified ZirconiumBericht Report2001