Full name Familienname, Vorname
Gallauner, Thomas
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Laskowski, Robert ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Blaha, Peter ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Density functional theory simulations of B-K and N-K NEXAFS spectra of h-BN/transition metal(111) interfacesArtikel Article2009
2Blaha, Peter ; Laskowski, Robert ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Simulations of the h-BN/Rh(111) nanomeshPräsentation Presentation2007
3Laskowski, Robert ; Blaha, Peter ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Schwarz, Karlheinz BN nanomesh on metal surfaces - Single layer modelPräsentation Presentation2007
4Laskowski, Robert ; Blaha, Peter ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Single-Layer Model of the Hexagonal Boron Nitride nanomesh on the Rh(111) surfaceArtikel Article2007
5Laskowski, Robert ; Blaha, Peter ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Boron nitride nanomesh on metal surfacesPräsentation Presentation2006
6Gallauner, Thomas ; Blaha, Peter ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Density functional theory simulations of B-K and N-K NEXAFS spectra of h-BN/Ni(111)Präsentation Presentation2006
7Blaha, Peter ; Laskowski, Robert ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Schwarz, Karlheinz h-BN on transition metal surfacesPräsentation Presentation2006
8Laskowski, Robert ; Blaha, Peter ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Interaction of h-BN with metal surfacesPräsentation Presentation2006
9Blaha, Peter ; Schwarz, Karlheinz ; Laskowski, Robert ; Gallauner, Thomas The BN/Me(111) interfacePräsentation Presentation2005
10Blaha, Peter ; Schwarz, Karlheinz ; Laskowski, Robert ; Gallauner, Thomas Simulations of the NanomeshBericht Report2005
11Kickelbick, Guido ; Gallauner, Thomas Theoretical Investigations of the Thermochemistry of Various Initiators for Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP)Bericht Report2004
12Gallauner Thomas - 2004 - Formation and theoretical investigations of...pdf.jpgGallauner, Thomas Formation and theoretical investigations of inorganic-organic hybrid materials via the interaction of bidentate ligands with metalsThesis Hochschulschrift 2004
13Kickelbick, Guido ; Gallauner, Thomas ; Giesenberg, Thomas Kontrollierte Herstellung von Anorganisch-Organischen Hybridpolymeren über die Atom Transfer Radikal PolymerisationPräsentation Presentation2003
14Kickelbick, Guido ; Gallauner, Thomas DFT-Studies of 1,2-β-Diketone Dimers and their Metal ComplexesBericht Report2003