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Zeilhofer, H.-F.
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Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Kober, C. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Young, P. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. ; Sader, R. An Automatic Procedure for Reconstruction of individual Anisotropic Trajectories of Elasticity for Patient Specific Biomechanical Simulation of the Entire MandibleArtikel Article2015
2Kober, C. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Stübinger, Stefan ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. ; Sader, R. Anatomical Simulation of the Biomechanical Behavior of the Human MandibleArtikel Article2015
3Kober, C. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Stübinger, Stefan ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Relevanz der Anistropie in der biomechanischen Simulation, demonstriert am Beispiel des menschlichen UnterkiefersArtikel Article2010
4Kober, C. ; Stübinger, Stefan ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Mandibular Finite Element Simulation as a Tool for Trauma SurgeryArtikel Article2008
5Kober, C. ; Stübinger, Stefan ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Finite Element Simulation of the Human Mandible: The Role of (Natural) TeethArtikel Article2008
6Kober, C. ; Stübinger, S. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. 'Resimulation' of Mandibular Trauma: Do Masticatory Muscles and (Clenched) Teeth Protect the Temporomandibular Joint? A Study Based on Finite Element MethodArtikel Article 2007
7Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, C. ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Consideration of Anisotropic Elasticity Minimizes Volumetric rather than Shear Deformation in Human MandibleArtikel Article2006
8Kober, C. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Stübinger, Stefan ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. General Project's Setup for Finite Element Simulation of Bony Organs Demostrated for the Case of a Human MandibleKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
9Kober, C. ; Stuebinger, S. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Radtke, K ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Finite Element Simulation of the Human Mandible: The Influence of the PDL on its Structural BehaviorArtikel Article2006
10Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Validation of Interdependency between Inner Structure Visualization and Structural Mechanics SimulationArtikel Article2006
11Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Stuebinger, S. ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Dental Versus Mandibular Biomechanics: The Influence of the PDL on the Overall Structural BehaviourKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
12Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Validation of Interdependency Between Inner Structure Visualization and Structural Mechanics SimulationArtikel Article2005
13Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Consideration of Bone Inhomogeneity and Anisotropy in Deformation Analysis of a Human MandibleArtikel Article2005
14Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. The Influence of the Periodontal Ligament on Overall Stress/Strain Profiles of a Human Mandible: A Comparison of the Natural Teeth and the Implant SituationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
15Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Refined Structural Mechanics Simulation of a Human Mandible at the Edge of Clinical ApplicationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
16Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. The Influence of Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Microstructure of Bone on the Macroscopic Structural Behaviour of the Human MandibleKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
17Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Validation of Interdependency Between Inner Structure Visualization and Structural Mechanics SimulationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
18Kober, C. ; Erdmann, B. ; Hellmich, Christian ; Sader, R. ; Zeilhofer, H.-F. Anisotropic Simulation of the Human MandibleBericht Report2004