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Aghaalikhani, Arash

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Aghaalikhani, Arash ; Schmid, Johannes C. ; Borello, Domenico ; Fuchs, Joseph ; Benedikt, Florian ; Hofbauer, Herman ; Rispoli, Franco ; Henriksen, Ulrick B. ; Sárossy, Zsuzsa ; Cedola, Luca Detailed modelling of biomass steam gasification in a dual fluidized bed gasifier with temperature variationArtikel Article 2019
2Aghaalikhani, Arash ; Schmid, Johannes Christian ASPEN + Simulation der Temperaturvariation zur Zweibett-Wirbelschicht-Dampfvergasung von Holz mit Olivin als BettmaterialBericht Report2018
3Aghaalikhani, Arash ; Schmid, Johannes Christian ; Borello, Domenico ; Fuchs, Josef ; Benedikt, Florian ; Hofbauer, Hermann ; Rispoli, Franco ; Henriksen, Ulrik Birk ; Sárossy, Zsuzsa Detailed modelling of biomass steam gasification with a dual fluidized bed gasifier - validation by experimental data from temperature variationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2018
4Aghaalikhani, Arash ; Schmid, Johannes Christian ; Fuchs, Josef ; Hofbauer, Hermann ; Borello, Domenico ; Rispoli, Franco Model to simulate the influence of the gasification temperature during dual fluidized bed steam gasification of wood with olivine sand as bed materialVortrag Presentation2018
5Mauerhofer, Anna Magdalena ; Wojnicka, Barbara ; Eberharter, Michael ; Aghaalikhani, Arash ; Schmid, Johannes Christian Change of product gas comosition over height inside the steam blown gasification reactor of a dual fluidized bed reactor systemBericht Report2017