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Giannelos, Spyros

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Amann-2022-E-mobility deployment and impact on grids  impact of EV and ch...-vor.pdf.jpgAmann, Guillermo ; Escobedo Bermúdez, Víctor Ramón ; Boskov-Kovacs, Elena ; Gallego Amores, Santiago ; Giannelos, Spyros ; Iliceto, Antonio ; Ilo, Albana ; Chavarro, Julian Romero ; Samovich, Natalie ; Schmitt, Laurent ; Souza e Silva, Nuno ; Strbac, Goran ; Tomsic, Zelijko ; Zengin, Emre E-mobility deployment and impact on grids : impact of EV and charging infrastructure on European T&D grids : innovation needsReport Bericht 2022
2Ilo, Albana ; Prata, Ricardo ; Strbac, G ; Giannelos, Spyros ; Bissell, Gareth Robert ; Kulmala, Anna ; Constantinescu, Norela ; Samovich, Natalie ; Iliceto, Antonio White Paper ETIP SNET - Holistic architectures for power systemsBericht Report2019