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Nocera, Silvio

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hauger-2022-Sustainable Mobility-vor.pdf.jpgHauger, Georg ; Stagl, Sigrid ; Braith, Johannes Mathias ; Kieslinger, Michael ; Nocera, Silvio ; Priskin, Julianna ; Reisterer, Harald International Platform for the Regions of the Future. Recommendation PaperReport Bericht Oct-2022
2Shibayama, Takeru ; Pungillo, Giuseppe ; Lemmerer, Helmut ; Nocera, Silvio Stakeholder involvement in decision-making process: a test assessment towards transition to autonomous vehiclesArtikel Article 2020
3Ostruh, Katarina ; Lemmerer, Helmut ; Shibayama, Takeru ; Leth, Ulrich ; Macoun, Thomas ; Bruzzone, Francesco ; Nocera, Silvio Intermediate Report on Progress of Elaboration of a Sump at Fua Level in Coastal AreasBericht Report2019
4Ostruh, Katarina ; Lemmerer, Helmut ; Shibayama, Takeru ; Macoun, Thomas ; Bruzzone, Francesco ; Nocera, Silvio Intermediate Report on Progress of Elaboration of a Sump at Fua Level in Inland AreasBericht Report2019