Full name Familienname, Vorname
Okuma, Yasutane

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Okuma, Yasutane ; Shibayama, Takeru Non-profit community-based car-sharing: expectations, interests, concerns and perceived challenges by different stakeholdersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
2Shibayama, Takeru ; Tschugg, Benjamin ; Lemmerer, Helmut ; Nakanishi, Josaku ; Okuma, Yasutane Research onto Interface between Public Transport and Private Motorized Transport. With a case study of Park-and-Ride Facilities in the Vienna Region (english version)Bericht Report2019
3Shibayama, Takeru ; Tschugg, Benjamin ; Lemmerer, Helmut ; Nakanishi, Josaku ; Okuma, Yasutane Analyse von Schnittstellen zwischen ÖPNV und MIV. Mit einer Fallstudie zum Thema Park-and-Ride im Großraum WienBericht Report2019
4Shibayama, Takeru ; Tschugg, Benjamin ; Lemmerer, Helmut ; Nakanishi, Josaku ; Okuma, Yasutane Research onto Interface between Public Transport and Private Motorized Transport. With a case study of Park-and-Ride Facilities in the Vienna Region (japanese version)Bericht Report2019
5Okuma, Yasutane ; Shibayama, Takeru ; Suzuki, Takahiro Non-profit community-based car-sharing: expectations, interests, concerns and perceived challenges by different stakeholdersPräsentation Presentation2018