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Himwich, Ed

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Nothnagel, Axel ; Anderson, James ; Behrend, Dirk ; Böhm, Johannes ; Charlot, Patrick ; Colomer, Francisco ; de Witt, Aletha ; Gipson, J. ; Haas, Rüdiger ; Hall, David ; Hase, Hayo ; Himwich, Ed ; Wolfe Kotary, Nancy ; Li, Jinling ; Nosov, Evgeny ; Ruszczyk, Chester ; Tuccari, G. IVS Infrastructure Development Plan 2030Bericht Report2021
2Behrend, Dirk ; Schuh, Harald ; Ma, Chopo ; Himwich, Ed ; Thomas, C. The Antarctic VLBI Station O'Higgins as a Network Station of the IVSPräsentation Presentation2011
3Nothnagel, Axel ; Schuh, Harald ; Behrend, Dirk ; Himwich, Ed ; Whitney, Alan International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry - Current Status and Plans for the FuturePräsentation Presentation2008