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Hessinger, Michael

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Holzinger, Andreas ; Kickmeier-Rust, Michael D. ; Wassertheurer, Sigi ; Hessinger, Michael Learning performance with interactive simulations in medical education: Lessons learned from results of learning complex physiological models with the HAEMOdynamics SIMulatorArtikel Article2009
2Hessinger, Michael ; Holzinger, A. ; Leitner, Daniel ; Wassertheurer, Siegfried Hemodynamic models for education in physiologyArtikel Article2008
3Hessinger, Michael ; Holzinger, A. ; Wassertheurer, Siegfried Hemodynamic Models for Education in PhysiologyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
4Leitner, Daniel ; Wassertheurer, Siegfried ; Breitenecker, Felix ; Hessinger, Michael ; Holzinger, A. Parallel Computation in Blood Flow Simulation using the Lattice Boltzmann MethodArtikel Article2006
5Leitner, Daniel ; Wassertheurer, Siegfried ; Hessinger, Michael ; Holzinger, A. A Lattice Boltzmann Model for Pulsatile Blood Flow in Elastic VesselsArtikel Article2006