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Verschuere, Michel

Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Cetin, Umut ; Verschuere, Michel Hedging under incomplete information. Applications to emmissions marketsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
2Verschuere, Michel Optimal forward investment in power marketsPräsentation Presentation2005
3Verschuere, Michel Optimal forward investment in power marketsPräsentation Presentation2005
4Grafenstein, Lutz von ; Hinz, Juri ; Verschuere, Michel ; Wilhelm, Martina Pricing electricity risk by interest rate methodsArtikel Article2005
5Verschuere, Michel Pricing Power DerivativesPräsentation Presentation2003
6Verschuere, Michel A regime switching model for power optionsPräsentation Presentation2003
7Verschuere, Michel Futures Hedging in Power Markets: Evidence from the European Energy Exchange (EEX)Präsentation Presentation2003
8Verschuere, Michel Spot Power OptionsPräsentation Presentation2003
9Verschuere, Michel Tackling the Forward Cascade in Power MarketsPräsentation Presentation2003
10Verschuere, Michel Stochastic control problems, viscosity solutions, and applications to finance (1)Präsentation Presentation2003