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Jung, Reinhard

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Riehle, Kai ; Kistler, Erich ; Öhlinger, Birgit ; Heitz, Christian ; Ben‐Shlomo, David ; Jung, Reinhard ; Mommsen, Hans ; Sterba, Johannes ; Gimatzidis, Stefanos ; Fantalkin, Alexander ; Prillwitz, Susanne ; Hein, Anno ; Geissler, Leonhard ; Lehmann, Gunnar ; Kindberg Jacobsen, Jan ; Posamentir, Richard ; Schlotzhauer, Udo Neutron activation analysis in Mediterranean Archaeology: current applications and future perspectivesArticle Artikel 2023
2Matricardi, Elena ; Jung, Reinhard ; Mommsen, Hans ; Pacciarelli, Marco ; Sterba, Johannes H. Aegean-Type and Aegeanizing Pottery from Ionian Apulia. New Studies and ProvenanceArtikel Article 2020
3Jung, Reinhard ; Einzinger, Patrick ; Pfeffer, N. ; Popper, Nikolas A Decision-Support Tool for Choosing Between Alternative Payment Models for Multispecialty Group PracticesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
4Einzinger, Patrick ; Jung, Reinhard ; Popper, Nikolas ; Pfeffer, N. ; Zauner, Günther Modeling the Effect of Group Practices on Medical Costs in AustriaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
5Einzinger, Patrick ; Popper, Nikolas ; Breitenecker, Felix ; Pfeffer, N. ; Jung, Reinhard ; Endel, Gottfried The GAP-DRG Model: Simulation of outpatient care for comparison of different reimbursement schemesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013