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Fera, Martin

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Doneus, Michael ; Wieser, Martin ; Verhoeven, Geert ; Karel, Wilfried ; Fera, Martin ; Pfeifer, Norbert Automated Archiving of Archaeological Aerial ImagesArtikel Article 2016
2Doneus, Michael ; Fera, Martin ; Briese, Christian Airborne remote sensing in agricultural and forested landscapesPräsentation Presentation2011
3Doneus, Michael ; Verhoeven, Geert ; Fera, Martin ; Briese, Christian ; Kucera, Matthias ; Neubauer, Wolfgang From Deposit to Pointcloud. A Study of Low-Cost Computer Vision Approaches for the Straightforward Documentation of Archaeological ExcavationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
4Doneus, Michael ; Verhoeven, Geert ; Fera, Martin ; Briese, Christian ; Kucera, Matthias ; Neubauer, Wolfgang From Deposit to Point Cloud - a Study of Low-Cost Computer Vision Approaches for the Straightforward Documentation of Archaeological ExcavationsArtikel Article2011
5Zámolyi, Andras ; Draganits, Erich ; Doneus, M. ; Fera, Martin ; Griebl, Monika Time-series studies of drainage pattern and morphological features along the Leitha riverKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
6Doneus, Michael ; Briese, Christian ; Fera, Martin ; Janner, Martin Archaeological prospection of forested areas using full-waveform airborne laser scanningArtikel Article2008
7Doneus, Michael ; Briese, Christian ; Fera, Martin ; Fornwagner, Ulrike ; Griebl, Monika ; Janner, Martin ; Zingerle, Maria-Christina Documentation and Analysis of Archaeological Sites Using Aerial Reconnaissance and Airborne Laser ScanningKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
8Zámolyi, Andras ; Draganits, Erich ; Doneus, M. ; Decker, Kurt ; Fera, Martin Paleochannel evolution of the Leitha river (eastern Austria) - A bird's eye view.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006