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Nastula, J.

Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Weber, Robert ; Schindelegger, Michael ; Halilovic, Dzana ; Nastula, J. ; Brzezinski, Aleksander ; Schönemann, Erik ; Enderle, Werner Determination of High Frequency Earth Rotation Parameters from GPS+Galileo observation dataArtikel Article2018
2Weber, Robert ; Nastula, J. ; Schönemann, Erik ; Brzezinski, Aleksander ; Schindelegger, Michael ; Enderle, Werner ; Halilovic, Dzana ; Winska, M. ; Sliwinska, J. Determination of High Frequency Earth Rotation Parameters from GPS+Galileo observation dataKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
3Nastula, J. ; Weber, Robert ; Brzezinski, Aleksander ; Gruber, Jakob ; Kalarus, M. ; Umnig, Elke Maria ; Wielgosz, Agata Ultra Rapid Oscillations in Earth rotation parameters derived from GNSS dataPräsentation Presentation2016
4Weber, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Nastula, J. ; Brzezinski, Aleksander High Frequency Determination of the Earth Orientation Parameters by GNSSPräsentation Presentation2016
5Brzezinski, Aleksander ; Nastula, J. ; Weber, Robert ; Böhm, Sigrid Comparative analysis of new hourly ERP series derived from GNSS data and the high resolution VLBI series based on complex demodulationPräsentation Presentation2016
6Salstein, David A. ; Quinn, Katherine ; Nastula, J. ; Böhm, Johannes Atmospheric datasets for angular momentum and excitation of Earth rotationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
7Weber, Robert ; Nastula, J. ; Böhm, Sigrid Investigation of GNSS based ERP-series to validate Atmospheric and Oceanic contributions to high frequency Earth RotationPräsentation Presentation2009
8Salstein, David A. ; Nastula, J. ; Quinn, Katherine ; MacMillan, Dan ; Mendes Cerveira, Pj. Atmospheric excitation of Earth rotation/polar motion at high temporal resolutionArtikel Article2008
9Salstein, David A. ; Nastula, J. ; MacMillan, Dan ; Quinn, Katherine ; Mendes Cerveira, Pj. Excitations of Earth rotation parameters at high frequenciesPräsentation Presentation2007
10Salstein, David A. ; Nastula, J. ; Quinn, Katherine ; MacMillan, Dan ; Mendes Cerveira, Pj. Atmospheric excitation of Earth rotation / polar motion at high temporal resolutionPräsentation Presentation2007
11Salstein, David A. ; Nastula, J. ; Quinn, Katherine ; MacMillan, Dan ; Mendes Cerveira, Pj. Atmospheric excitation of Earth rotation / polar motion at high temproal resolutionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
12Nastula, J. ; Kolaczek, B. ; Weber, Robert ; Schuh, Harald ; Böhm, Johannes Spectra of rapid oscillations of Earth Rotation Parameters determined during the CONT02 CampaignArtikel Article 2007
13Nastula, J. ; Kolaczek, B. ; Schuh, Harald ; Weber, Robert ; Böhm, Johannes ; Mendes Cerveira, Pj. Comparison of rapid oscillations of the Earth rotation parameters determined during the CONT02 and the CONT05 CampaignsPräsentation Presentation2006
14Nastula, J. ; Kolaczek, B. ; Weber, Robert ; Schuh, Harald ; Böhm, Johannes Rapid Oscillation of Polar Motion determined during the CONT02 CampaignPräsentation Presentation2005
15Nastula, J. ; Kolaczek, B. ; Weber, Robert ; Schuh, Harald ; Böhm, Johannes Spectra of rapid oscillations of Earth Rotation Parameters determined during the CONT02 CampaignPräsentation Presentation2005
16Schuh, Harald ; Böhm, Johannes ; Weber, Robert ; Nastula, J. ; Kolaczek, B. High resolution Earth rotation parameters determined during the CONT02 campaignPräsentation Presentation2004
17Nastula, J. ; Weber, Robert ; Kolaczek, B. ; Salstein, David A. Subdaily variations of Polar Motion from GPS and related Atmospheric SignalsPräsentation Presentation2002