Full name Familienname, Vorname
Trofaier, Anna Maria
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Bartsch, Annett ; Pointner, Georg ; Leibman, Marina O. ; Dvornikov, Yuri A. ; Khomutov, Artem V. ; Trofaier, Anna M. Circumpolar Mapping of Ground-Fast Lake IceArtikel Article 2017
2Högström, Elin ; Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Gouttevin, Isabelle ; Bartsch, Annett Assessing seasonal backscatter variations with respect to uncertainties in soil moisture retrieval in Siberian tundra regionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
3Bartsch, Annett ; Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Widhalm, Barbara ; Högström, Elin ; Leibmann, Marina ; Dvornikov, Yury Challenges and Achievements in Circumpolar Monitoring of Land Surface Hydrology with Satellite DataPräsentation Presentation2014
4Bartsch, Annett ; Widhalm, Barbara ; Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Högström, Elin ; Heim, Birgit ; Leibman, Marina ; Dvornikov, Yury Characterization of tundra lake margins with SAR-dataKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
5Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Bartsch, Annett ; Rees, W. Gareth The seasonal abundance and size distributions of water bodies on the Yamal PeninsulaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
6Trofaier A M - 2013 - Assessment of spring floods and surface water extent over...pdf.jpgTrofaier, Anna Maria ; Bartsch, Annett ; Rees, W. G. ; Leibman, M. O. Assessment of spring floods and surface water extent over the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districtArticle Artikel Dec-2013
7Bartsch, A. ; Trofaier, A. M. ; Hayman, G. ; Sabel, D. ; Schlaffer, S. ; Clark, D. B. ; Blyth, E. Detection of open water dynamics with ENVISAT ASAR in support of land surface modelling at high latitudesArtikel Article2012
8Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Rees, W. Gareth ; Bartsch, Annett ; Sabel, Daniel ; Schlaffer, Stefan Feasibility Study of Using Active Microwave Data for Examination of Thaw Lake Drainage Patterns over the Yamal PeninsulaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2012
9Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Rees, W. Gareth ; Bartsch, Annett ; Ressl, Camillo ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Sabel, Daniel Comparison of active microwave and optical imagery over the Yamal Peninsula as a validation technique for radar lake classificationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
10Bartsch, Annett ; Heim, Birgit ; Elger, Kirsten ; Hayman, Garry D ; Trofaier, Anna Maria Remote sensing for monitoring of land surface hydrology at high latitudes within the framework of the ESA DUE Permafrost and STSE ALANIS-Methane projectsPräsentation Presentation2011
11Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Sabel, Daniel ; Bartsch, Annett Towards operational monitoring of lakes in permafrost environmentsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010