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Rees, W. Gareth

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hobbs, Stephen ; Broquetas, Antoni ; Calvet, Jean-Christophe ; Casagli, Nicola ; Chini, Marco ; Dolman, Han ; Ferretti, Rossella ; Ferro-Famil, Laurent ; Hanssen, Ramon F. ; Kabo-Bah, Amos ; Kebaili Bargaoui, Zoubeida ; Monti-Guarnieri, Andrea Virgilio ; Moreira, Alberto ; Morrison, Keith ; Nagler, Thomas ; Nazzareno, Pierdicca ; Prudhomme, Christel ; Rees, W. Gareth ; Wadge, Geoff ; Wagner, Wolfgang G-CLASS: a Geosynchronous Radar Mission to Observe the Diurnal Water CyclePräsentation Presentation2019
2Cooper, Michael ; Rees, W. Gareth ; Bartsch, Annett The changing spatio-temporal dynamics of thaw lake development, Seward Peninsula, AlaskaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
3Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Bartsch, Annett ; Rees, W. Gareth The seasonal abundance and size distributions of water bodies on the Yamal PeninsulaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
4Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Rees, W. Gareth ; Bartsch, Annett ; Sabel, Daniel ; Schlaffer, Stefan Feasibility Study of Using Active Microwave Data for Examination of Thaw Lake Drainage Patterns over the Yamal PeninsulaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2012
5Trofaier, Anna Maria ; Rees, W. Gareth ; Bartsch, Annett ; Ressl, Camillo ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Sabel, Daniel Comparison of active microwave and optical imagery over the Yamal Peninsula as a validation technique for radar lake classificationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012