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Fritsche, M.

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Collilieux, Xavier ; Altamimi, Zuheir ; Metivier, Laurent ; Van Dam, Tonie ; Appleby, Graham ; Böhm, Johannes ; Dach, Rolf ; Fritsche, M. ; Govind, Ramesh ; König, Rolf ; Krasna, Hana ; Kuzmicz-Cieslak, Magda ; Lambert, Sebastien ; Lemoine, Frank G. ; Luceri, Cinzia ; MacMillan, Dan ; Mareyen, Maria ; Pavlis, Erricos ; Thaller, Daniela Using non-tidal atmospheric loading model in space geodetic data processing: Preliminary results of the IERS analysis campaignKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
2Steigenberger, Peter ; Hugentobler, Urs ; Böhm, Johannes ; Rothacher, Markus ; Fritsche, M. ; Rülke, A. ; Vey, S. Impact of Different Modeling on Long-Time Series of Reprocessed Troposphere Zenith DelaysPräsentation Presentation2008