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Roser, Nathalie

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Aigner, Lukas ; Roser, Nathalie ; Moser, Clemens ; Maierhofer, Theresa ; Morra di Cella, Umberto ; Hauck, Christian ; Flores-Orozco, Adrian Investigation of the induced polarization effect in transient electromagnetic soundings to characterize rock glaciersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2022
2Steiner, Matthias ; Katona, Timea ; Roser, Nathalie ; Blöschl, Günter ; Flores-Orozco, Adrian Resolving hydrogeological parameters through joint inversion of seismic and electric data considering surface conductivityPräsentation Presentation2021
3Flores-Orozco, Adrian ; Aigner, Lukas ; Roser, Nathalie ; Steiner, Matthias ; Katona, Timea ; Kostial, Dieter ; Chwatal, Werner Combination of complex resistivity and seismic methods for the investigation of clay-rich landslidesPräsentation Presentation2021