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Smekal, Werner
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Results 1-20 of 52 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Tasneem, Ghazala ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Interlaboratory study comparing analyses of simulated angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy dataArtikel Article2014
2Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Chudzicki, Maksymilian ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Interpretation of nanoparticle X-ray photoelectron intensitiesArtikel Article 2014
3Powell, C. J. ; Werner, W. S. M. ; Smekal, W. ; Tasneem, G. Effective attenuation lengths for photoelectrons in thin films of silicon oxynitride and hafnium oxynitride on siliconArtikel Article2013
4Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Salvat-Pujol, Francesc ; Bellissimo, Alessandra ; Khalid, Rahila ; Smekal, Werner ; Novak, Mihaly ; Ruocco, Alessandro ; Stefani, Giovanni Secondary-electron emission induced by in vacuo surface excitations near a polycrystalline Al surfaceArtikel Article2013
5Powell, Cedric J. ; Tougaard, Sven ; Werner, Wolfgang S. M. ; Smekal, Werner Sample-morphology effects on x-ray photoelectron peak intensitiesArtikel Article2013
6Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Hisch, Thomas ; Himmelsbach, Julia ; Powell, Cedric J. Simulation of Electron Spectra for Surface Analysis (SESSA) for quantitative interpretation of (hard) X-ray photoelectron spectra (HAXPES)Artikel Article2013
7Chudzicki, Maksymilian ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Definition of arbitrary surface nanomorphologies in SESSAPräsentation Presentation2013
8Salvat-Pujol, Francesc ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Khalid, Rahila ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Störi, Herbert ; Ruocco, Alessandro ; Offi, F. ; Stefani, Giovanni ; Iacobucci, Stefano Contribution of Surface Plasmon Decay to Secondary Electron Emission from an Al SurfaceArtikel Article2012
9Werner, Wolfgang ; Salvat-Pujol, Francesc ; Smekal, Werner ; Khalid, Rahila ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Störi, Herbert ; Ruocco, Alessandro ; Stefani, Giovanni Contribution of surface plasmon decay to secondary electron emission from an Al surfaceArtikel Article 2-Nov-2011
10Powell, C. J. ; Werner, W. S. M. ; Smekal, W. Effects of elastic scattering and analyzer-acceptance angle on the analysis of angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy dataArtikel Article2011
11Werner, Wolfgang S. M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Salvat-Pujol, Francesc ; Halavani, Zahra ; Pfleger, Stephan ; Rastl, Johannes ; Eisenmenger-Sittner, Christoph Angular dependence of electron induced surface plasmon excitationArtikel Article2011
12Tasneem, Ghazala ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Simulation of parallel angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy dataArtikel Article2010
13Tasneem, Ghazala ; Tomastik, Christian ; Gerhold, Stefan ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. ; Smekal, Werner ; Powell, C.J. Photoelectron angular distributions of Cu, Ag, Pt and Au samples: experiments and simulationsArtikel Article2010
14Werner, Wolfgang S. M. ; Ruocco, Alessandro ; Offi, Francesco ; Iacobucci, Stefano ; Smekal, Werner ; Winter, Hannspeter ; Stefani, Giovanni Role of surface and bulk plasmon decay in secondary electron emissionArtikel Article2008
15Smekal, Werner Coincidence measurements of electrons emitted from solid surfaces irradiated with electrons, photons and ionsPräsentation Presentation2007
16Smekal, Werner Momentum Vector Electron Spectroscopy (MoVES) for the Investigation of Ion Beam-Solid InteractionPräsentation Presentation2007
17Smekal, Werner Momentum Vector Electron Spectroscopy (MoVES) for the Investigation of Ion Beam-Solid InteractionPräsentation Presentation2007
18Smekal, Werner Momentum Vector Electron Spectroscopy (MoVES) for the Investigation of Ion Beam-Solid InteractionPräsentation Presentation2007
19Smekal, Werner Momentum Vector Electron Spectroscopy (MoVES) for the Investigation of Ion Beam-Solid InteractionPräsentation Presentation2007
20Offi, F. ; Werner, W. S. M. ; Sacchi, M. ; Torelli, P. ; Cautero, M. ; Cautero, G. ; Fondacaro, A. ; Huotari, S. ; Monaco, G. ; Paolicelli, G. ; Smekal, W. ; Stefani, G. ; Panaccione, G. Comparison of hard and soft x-ray photoelectron spectra of siliconArtikel Article2007

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gumbsch, Andreas Aufbau eines Flugzeitdetektionssystems für die "Momentum Vector Spectroscopy" (MOVES) zur Untersuchung der ioneninduzierten SekundärelektronenemissionThesis Hochschulschrift2005