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Bus, Vladan

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Bus, Vladan ; Redinger, Josef DFT model of AFM: Interaction of Tip and Surface AtomsPräsentation Presentation2005
2Bus, Vladan ; Redinger, Josef DFT Simulations of nc-AFMPräsentation Presentation2005
3Bus, Vladan Probe Models for AFM: DFT Computational AF SpectroscopyPräsentation Presentation2005
4Bus, Vladan DFT model of AFM: Scanning the Surface Atoms with Different Probe ModelsPräsentation Presentation2005
5Bus, Vladan DFT Simulations of nc-AFM: Interaction of Tip and Surface AtomsPräsentation Presentation2005
6Bus, Vladan ; Redinger, Josef Tip Models and Surface Atoms in DFT Simulations of AFM ScansKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
7Bus, Vladan ; Redinger, Josef Surface Atoms and the AFM Tip - Simulation of Scans for GaAs(110) and Si(100)Präsentation Presentation2004
8Bus, Vladan ; Redinger, Josef Simulation of atomic force microscopy (AFM): Tip Models and Surface AtomsPräsentation Presentation2004
9Bus, Vladan ; Redinger, Josef Tip models in DFT simulations of AFM scansPräsentation Presentation2004