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Mehmood, N.

Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Sato Turtelli, R. ; Atif, M. ; Mehmood, N. ; Kubel, F. ; Biernacka, K. ; Linert, W. ; Grössinger, R. ; Kapusta, Cz. ; Sikora, M. Interplay between the cation distribution and production methods in cobalt ferriteArtikel Article2012
2Grössinger, Roland ; Mehboob, Nasir ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Mehmood, N. ; Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Scheriau, S. ; Bachmaier, A. ; Pippan, Reinhard Hysteresis measurements of SPD treated high magnetostrictive materialsPräsentation Presentation2011
3Grössinger, Roland ; Mehmood, N. Frequency dependence of the coercivity of soft magnetic materialsPräsentation Presentation2011
4Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Vlasak, G. ; Kubel, F. ; Mehmood, N. ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Grössinger, Roland ; Sassik, Herbert Effect of Rapid Solidification on Magnetostriction and Microstructure in Melt-Spun Fe-Al RibbonsArtikel Article Feb-2010
5Mehmood, N. ; Sato Turtelli, R. ; Grössinger, R. ; Kriegisch, M. Magnetostriction of polycrystalline Fe100-xAlx (x=15, 19, 25)Artikel Article2010
6Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Vlasak, G. ; Kubel, F. ; Mehmood, N. ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Grössinger, Roland ; Sassik, Herbert Effect of rapid solidification on magnetostriction and microstructure in melt-spun Fe-Al ribbonsPräsentation Presentation2009
7Mehmood, N. ; Grössinger, Roland ; Oser, P. ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Fulmek, P. ; Tomas, I. Temperature dependent measurements of hysteresis properties of soft magnetic materialsPräsentation Presentation2009
8Mehmood, N. ; Muhammad, Atif ; Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Grössinger, Roland ; Kriegisch, Martin Magnetostriction of polycrystalline Fe#_{100-xAlₓPräsentation Presentation2009
9Mehmood, N. ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Grössinger, Roland Magnetic Magnetostriction in Severely Plastic Deformed Fe₈₁Ga₁₉ AlPräsentation Presentation2009
10Grössinger, Roland ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Mehmood, N. Magnetic Characterisation of SPD materialsPräsentation Presentation2009
11Mehmood, N. ; Vlasak, G. ; Kubel, F. ; Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Grössinger, Roland ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Sassik, Herbert ; Svec, P. Magnetostriction of rapidly quenched Fe-X (X = Al, Ga) ribbons as function of the quenching ratePräsentation Presentation2009
12Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Vlasak, G. ; Kubel, F. ; Mehmood, N. ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Grössinger, Roland ; Sassik, Herbert Effect of rapid solidification on magnetostriction and microstructure in melt-spun Fe-Al ribbonsPräsentation Presentation2009
13Kriegisch, Martin ; Fulmek, P. ; Mehmood, N. ; Haumer, P. ; Grössinger, Roland Magnetic Characterisation of Industrial High Strength SteelsPräsentation Presentation2009
14Grössinger, Roland ; Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Vlasak, Gabriel ; Kubel, Frank ; Mehmood, N. ; Kriegisch, Martin ; Sassik, Herbert Effect of rapid solidification on magnetostriction and microstructurein melt-spun Fe-Al ribbonsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
15Grössinger, Roland ; Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Mehmood, N. High magnetorestrictive materials - status and developmentPräsentation Presentation2008
16Grössinger, Roland ; Mehmood, N. ; Senbaslar, Gylitz ; Turtelli, R. Sato ; Linert, Wolfgang ; Kubel, Frank Co-Ferrtit - a Material with high Magnetostriction - an interesting Candidate for Magneto-Electric CompositesPräsentation Presentation2008
17Grössinger, R. ; Turtelli, R. Sato ; Mehmood, N. ; Heiss, S. ; Müller, H. ; Bormio-Nunes, C. Giant magnetostriction in rapidly quenched Fe-Ga?Artikel Article2008
18Grössinger, Roland ; Mehmood, N. ; Senbaslar, Gylitz ; Muhammad, Atif ; Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Linert, Wolfgang ; Kubel, Frank Co-Ferrite: a material with high magnetostriction produced by different methodsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
19Grössinger, Roland ; Sato Turtelli, Reiko ; Keplinger, F. ; Mehmood, N. Magnetic characterization of soft and hard magnetic materialsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008