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Ginzel, Rainer

Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Makgato, T.N. ; Sideras-Haddad, E. ; Shrivastava, S. ; Schenkel, T. ; Ritter, Robert ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Bernitt, S. ; Beilmann, C. ; Ginzel, Rainer Highly charged ion impact induced nanodefects in diamondArtikel Article2013
2Ritter, Robert ; Shen, Q. ; Wilhelm, R.A. ; Heller, R. ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Facsko, S. ; Teichert, C. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Novel aspects on the irradiation of HOPG surfaces with slow highly charged ionsArtikel Article2013
3Ritter, Robert ; Wilhelm, Richard A ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Schadauer, Philip ; Heller, René ; Rupp, Werner ; López-Urrutia, José R Crespo ; Facsko, Stefan ; Aumayr, Friedrich Effect of chemical etching on poly (methyl methacrylate) irradiated with slow highly charged ionsArtikel Article 2013
4Ritter, Robert ; Shen, Q. ; Teichert, C. ; Wilhelm, R.A. ; Facsko, S. ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Characterisation of nanostructures induced by slow highly charged ion bombardment of HOPGKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
5Ritter, Robert ; Wilhelm, R.A. ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Heller, R. ; Rupp, Werner ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Facsko, S. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Ion beam lithography with slow highly charged ionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
6Ritter, Robert ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Wilhelm, R. ; Heller, R. ; Papaléo, R.M. ; Rupp, W. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Ullrich, J. ; Fascko, S. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Nano-craters due to impact of individual highly charged ions on surfaces and thin filmsArtikel Article2012
7Ritter, Robert ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Shan, Q. ; Teichert, C. ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Ullrich, J. ; Maunoury, L. ; Lebius, Henning ; Toulemonde, M. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Slow highly charged ion irradiation of HOPGPräsentation Presentation2010
8Ritter, Robert ; Shan, Q. ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Lebius, Henning ; Maunoury, L. ; Toulemonde, M. ; Dufour, C. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Teichert, C. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Nanoscale modification of friction properties on HOPG induced by slow highly charged ionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
9Ginzel, Rainer ; Higgins, S. ; Mrowczynski, P. ; Northway, P. ; Simon, Martin C. ; Tawara, H. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Ullrich, J. ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Ritter, Robert ; Meissl, Walter ; Vasko, Christoph ; Gösselsberger, Christoph ; El-Said, A.S. ; Aumayr, Friedrich A deceleration system at the Heidelberg EBIT providing very slow highly charged ions for surface nanostructuringArtikel Article 2010
10Kowarik, Gregor ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Higgins, S. ; Mrowczynski, P. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Ullrich, J. Design of an ion deceleration platform for the investigation of slow ion-surface interactions and ion-atom collisionsPräsentation Presentation2009
11Vasko, Christoph ; Gösselsberger, Christoph ; Heller, R. ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Facsko, S. ; Maunoury, L. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Papaléo, R.M. ; Ullrich, J. ; Möller, W. ; Toulemonde, M. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Investigation of nanodefects induced by impact of slow highly charged ions on isolatorsPräsentation Presentation2009
12Meissl, Walter ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Heller, R. ; El-Said, A.S. ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Vasko, Christoph ; Gösselsberger, Christoph ; Ritter, Robert ; Solleder, B. ; Simon, Martin C. ; Facsko, S. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Lemell, Christoph ; Papaléo, R.M. ; Möller, W. ; Ullrich, J. ; Burgdörfer, Joachim ; Aumayr, Friedrich Potential energy - induced nanostructuring of insulator surfaces by impact of slow, very highly charged ionsArtikel Article2009
13Meissl, Walter ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Heller, R. ; El-Said, A.S. ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Vasko, Christoph ; Gösselsberger, Christoph ; Ritter, Robert ; Solleder, B. ; Simon, M. ; Facsko, S. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Lemell, Christoph ; Papaléo, R.M. ; Möller, W. ; Ullrich, J. ; Burgdörfer, Joachim ; Aumayr, Friedrich Potential energy - induced nanostructuring of insulator surfaces by impact of slow, very highly charged ionsPräsentation Presentation2009
14Kowarik, Gregor ; Vasko, Christoph ; Gösselsberger, Christoph ; Ritter, Robert ; Meissl, Walter ; El-Said, A.S. ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Simon, Martin C. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Ullrich, R. ; Heller, R. ; Facsko, S. ; Papaléo, R.M. ; Rupp, W. ; Maunoury, L. ; Dufour, C. ; Lebius, Henning ; Toulemonde, M. Nanostructures on surfaces induced by slow highly charged ionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
15Aumayr, Friedrich ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Higgins, S. ; Mrowczynski, P. ; Simon, Martin C. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Ullrich, J. ; Kowarik, Gregor ; Meissl, Walter ; Vasko, Christoph ; El-Said, A.S. A deceleration system providing very slow highly charged ions for surfaceKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
16Meissl, Walter ; Heller, R. ; El-Said, A.S. ; Ritter, Robert ; Simon, M. ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Solleder, B. ; Facsko, S. ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Lemell, Christoph ; Gebeshuber, I.C. ; Möller, W. ; Ullrich, J. ; Burgdörfer, Joachim ; Aumayr, Friedrich How the potential energy of slow highly charged ions can induce the formation of nano-hillocks on CaF₂Präsentation Presentation2008
17Meissl, Walter ; Simon, M. ; Winklehner, Daniel ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Ullrich, J. ; Aumayr, Friedrich Electron emission from insulators irradiated by slow highly charged ionsPräsentation Presentation2008
18Meissl, Walter ; Winklehner, Daniel ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Simon, Martin C. ; Ginzel, Rainer ; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R. ; Ullrich, J. ; Solleder, B. ; Lemell, Christoph ; Burgdörfer, Joachim Electron Emission from Insulators Irradiated by Slow Highly Charged IonsArtikel Article2008