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Potanina, L.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Karasev, Yu. ; Malchenkov, A. ; Lukyanov, P. ; Polikarpova, M. ; Pantsyrny, V. ; Abdyukhanov, I. ; Konovalov, Yu. ; Potanina, L. ; Lelechov, S. ; Baumgartner, T. ; Eisterer, M. ; Weber, H. W. Characterization of Nb-Ti Strands in the Process of Industrial Production for the ITER Poloidal Field CoilsArtikel Article 2016
2Potanina, L. ; Pantsyrnyy, V.I. ; Kozlenkova, N.I. ; Shikov, A.K. ; Korpusov, V. Yu ; Gubkin, I.N. ; Salunin, N.I. ; Emhofer, J. ; Eisterer, Michael ; Weber, Harald W. The effect of Cu/nonCu ratio on the critical current density in model NbTi strands for the ITER PF coilsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
3Potanina, L. ; Pantsyrny, V.I. ; Kozlenkova, N.I. ; Shikov, A.K. ; Weber, Harald W. ; Eisterer, Michael ; Emhofer, J. The effect of Cu/non Cu ratio on critical current density of ITER PF coils relevant model NbTi strandsPräsentation Presentation2010
4Shikov, A.K. ; Pantsyrny, V.I. ; Kozlenkova, N.I. ; Potanina, L. ; Vasiliev, R.M. ; Gubkin, I.N. ; Nikulenkov, E.V. ; Eisterer, Michael ; Emhofer, J. ; Fuger, R. ; Schöppl, R. ; Sauerzopf, Franz ; Weber, Harald W. The effect of thermo-mechanical treatments on Jc(T,B) and Tcs of NbTi-strandsPräsentation Presentation2008