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Maddison, G.

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Parail, V. ; Belo, P. ; Corrigan, G. ; Garzotti, L. ; Giroud, C. ; Harting, D. ; Köchl, Florian ; Koskela, T. ; Maddison, G. ; Militello, Asp ; Romanelli, M. ; JET EFDA Contributors 2013 Full core-SOL JINTRAC modelling of JET H-mode plasma with N-seeding and ILWPräsentation Presentation2013
2Militello, Asp ; Parail, V. ; da Silva Aresta Belo, P. ; Corrigan, G. ; Giroud, C. ; Garzotti, L. ; Harting, D. ; Köchl, Florian ; Koskela, T. ; Maddison, G. ; Romanelli, M. ; JET EFDA Contributors 2013 Integrated Modelling of JET-ILW Plasma with Nitrogen seedingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013