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Lehner, Markus

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Parragh-2024-IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity-vor.pdf.jpgParragh, D. M. ; Scheuerlein, C. ; Piccin, R. ; Ravotti, F. ; Pezzullo, G. ; Ternova, D. ; Taborelli, M. ; Lehner, Markus ; Eisterer, M. Irradiation induced aging of epoxy resins for impregnation of superconducting magnet coilsArticle Artikel May-2024
2Unterrainer-2023-Jc degradation in CCs for fusion magnets by small defects...-ao.pdf.jpgUnterrainer, Raphael Nikolaus ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Semper, Florian ; Lehner, Markus ; Munier-Gondiant, Guillaume ; Fischer, David X. ; Gambino, Davide ; Eisterer, Michael Jc degradation in CCs for fusion magnets by small defects and its mitigationPresentation Vortrag 6-Sep-2023
3Eisterer, Michael ; Unterrainer, Raphael ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Semper, Florian ; Lehner, Markus ; Munier-Gondiant, Guillaume The role of small defects on the degradation of coated conductors in radiation environmentsPresentation Vortrag5-Apr-2023
4Szabo, Gabriel ; Jany, Benedykt R. ; Muckenhuber, Helmut ; Niggas, Anna ; Lehner, Markus ; Janas, Arkadiusz ; Szabo, Paul ; Gan, Ziyang ; George, Antony ; Turchanin, Andrey ; Krok, Franciszek ; Wilhelm, Richard Arthur Charge-State-Enhanced Ion Sputtering of Metallic Gold NanoislandsArticle Artikel 22-Mar-2023
5Unterrainer-2023-The influence of small defects on the superconducting pro...-ao.pdf.jpgUnterrainer, Raphael Nikolaus ; Bodenseher, Alexander ; Semper, Florian ; Lehner, Markus ; Munier-Gondiant, Guillaume ; Fischer, David X. ; Eisterer, Michael The influence of small defects on the superconducting properties of REBCO based CCsPresentation Vortrag 2023
6Szabo, Gabriel L. ; Lehner, Markus ; Bischoff, L. ; Pilz, Wolfgang ; Kentsch, Ulrich ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Klingner, Nico ; Wilhelm, Richard Arthur Nano-hillock formation on CaF2 due to cluster-ion irradiation; invited talkKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
7Szabo, Gabriel L. ; Lehner, Markus ; Bischoff, L. ; Pilz, Wolfgang ; Muckenhuber, Helmut ; Kentsch, Ulrich ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Klinger, Nico ; Wilhelm, Richard Nano-hillock formation on CaF₂ due to individual slow Au-cluster impactsArtikel Article 2021
8Szabo, Gabriel L. ; Lehner, Markus ; Bischoff, Lothar ; Pilz, Wolfgang ; Kentsch, Ulrich ; Aumayr, Friedrich ; Klingner, Nico ; Wilhelm, Richard Nano-hillock formation on CaF₂ due to individual slow Au-cluster impactsPräsentation Presentation2021
9Muckenhuber, Helmut ; Szabo, Gabriel L. ; Arkadiusz, J. ; Jany, B.R. ; Lehner, Markus ; Niggas, Anna ; Kentsch, Ulrich ; Krok, Franciszek ; Wilhelm, Richard Irradiation of Au-nano-islands with highly charged ions and characterization with AFM and SEMPräsentation Presentation2021