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Belgacem, Omar

Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).

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1Pittenauer, Ernst ; Belgacem, Omar ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Allmaier, Günter 20 keV CID TOF/RTOF-MS - The ultimate technique for structure elucidation of complex lipids (TAGs and GPLs)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
2Pittenauer, Ernst ; Belgacem, Omar ; Bowdler, Andy ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Allmaier, Günter Recent instrumental advances to perform structural analysis of glycerolipids (TAGs and GLPs) by high energy CID on different MALDI-TOF/RTOF-MS instrumentsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
3Gabler, Christoph ; Belgacem, Omar ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Dörr, Nicole ; Allmaier, Günter Multimodal imaging by LDI imaging MS, XPS and optical microscopy of ionic liquids and their degradation products in tribologyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
4Pittenauer, Ernst ; Belgacem, Omar ; Kusai, Akihiko ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Allmaier, Günter Recent instrumental advances in the structural analysis of glycerolipids (TAGs and GLPs) by 20 keV high energy CID - from MALDI-LinTOF/Curved Field RTOF-MS to MALDI-Spiral TOF/Offset Parabolic RTOF-MSKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
5Fröhlich, Sophie ; Dekker, Lennard ; Belgacem, Omar ; Barnes, Alan ; Luider, Theo ; Archodoulaki, V.-M. ; Allmaier, Günter ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina Correlating surface changes of UHMW-PE hip joint explants to time-dependent biomolecule adsorption by MALDI-TOF imaging mass spectrometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
6Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Fröhlich, Sophie ; Putz, Benedikt ; Belgacem, Omar ; Barnes, Alan ; Schachner, Helga ; Kerjaschki, Dontscho ; Allmaier, Günter Histodiagnostic differentiation of microstructures on formalin-fixed ultra-thin rat kidney tissue by MALDI-TOF imaging mass spectrometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
7Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Fröhlich, Sophie ; Schachner, Helga ; Belgacem, Omar ; Barnes, Alan ; Kerjaschki, Dontscho ; Allmaier, Günter Developing a sample preparation technique for MALDI mass spectrometry imaging of ultra-thin kidney tissue samplesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
8Belgacem, Omar ; Oppenshaw, Matthew ; Allmaier, Günter ; Pock, Katharina Process proteomics related to plasma-derived blood coagulation glycoproteins using MALDI mass spectrometry and a software-assisted databaseKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
9Seyfried, Birgit ; Siekmann, J. ; Belgacem, Omar ; Wenzel, Ryan ; Turecek, Peter ; Allmaier, Günter MALDI linear TOF mass spectrometry of PEGylated (glyco)proteinsArtikel Article2010
10Stübiger, Gerald ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Belgacem, Omar ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Widhalm, Kurt ; Allmaier, Günter Analysis of human plasma lipids and soybean lecithin by means of high performance thin-layer chromatography and MALDI mass spectrometryArtikel Article2009
11Belgacem, Omar ; Stübiger, Gerald ; Allmaier, Guenter ; Buchacher, Andrea ; Pock, Katharina Isolation of esterified fatty acids bound to serum albumin purified from human plasma and characterised by MALDI mass spectrometryArtikel Article2007
12Stübiger, Gerald ; Belgacem, Omar Analysis of lipids using 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone as a matrix for MALDI mass spectrometryArtikel Article2007
13Hirschmann, Jasmin ; Marchetti, Martina ; Mach, Robert L. ; Belgacem, Omar ; Raptakis, Emmanuel ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Allmaier, Günter Comparison of different sample preparation techniques for differentiation of mycotoxin-producing Fusarium species by MALDI-TOF/RTOF mass spectrometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
14Barnes, Alan ; Stübiger, Gerald ; Sobal, Grazyna ; Belgacem, Omar In vitro study of glycoxidative modified low density lipoproteins using a lipoproteomic approachKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
15Pittenauer, Ernst ; Zehl, Martin ; Belgacem, Omar ; Raptakis, Emmanuel ; Mistrik, Robert ; Allmaier, Günter Comparison of CID spectra of singly charged polypeptide antibiotic precursor ions by positive-ion vacuum MALDI IT/RTOF and TOF/RTOF, AP-MALDI-IT and ESI-ITmass spectrometryArtikel Article2006
16Allmaier, Günter ; Zehl, Martin ; Mistrik, Robert ; Belgacem, Omar ; Raptakis, Emmanuel ; Pittenauer, Ernst Comparison of CID spectra of singly charged biomolecule precursor ions obtained by positive-ion vacuum MALDI IT/RTOF and TOF/CFR, AP-MALDI-IT and ESI-IT mass spectrometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
17Pittenauer, Ernst ; Belgacem, Omar ; Mistrik, Robert ; Allmaier, Günter Analysis of protonated and cationized glycoconjugate (macrolide) antibiotics by ESI LE CID (IT), vacuum MALDI HE CID (TOF/RTOF) and Mass Frontier fragmentation libraryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
18Kleinova, Martina ; Belgacem, Omar ; Pock, Katharina ; Rizzi, Andreas ; Buchacher, A. ; Allmaier, Günter Characterization of cysteinylation of pharmaceutical-grade human serum albumin by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and low energy CID tandem mass spectrometryArtikel Article 2005
19Belgacem, Omar ; Pock, Katharina ; Buchacher, A. ; Römisch, Jürgen ; Rizzi, Andreas ; Allmaier, Günter Determination of the microheterogeneity of plasma-derived human serum albumin by means of electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry and gel electrophoretic techniquesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2003