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Salz, Ulrich

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Lomoschitz, Christoph ; Moszner, Norbert ; Burtscher, Peter ; Salz, Ulrich ; Kickelbick, Guido Advanced Hybrid Materials In DentistryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
2Ganster, Beate ; Ullrich, Gerald ; Salz, Ulrich ; Moszner, Norbert ; Liska, Robert Water-Soluble Bisacylphosphin oxides for the Photopolymerization of acidic aqueous Dental FormulationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
3Ullrich, Gerald ; Ganster, Beate ; Salz, Ulrich ; Moszner, Norbert ; Liska, Robert Photoinitiators With Functional Groups. IX. Hydrophylic Bisacylphosphine Oxides for Acidic Aqueous FormulationsArtikel Article2006
4Ullrich, Gerald ; Burtscher, Peter ; Salz, Ulrich ; Moszner, Norbert ; Liska, Robert Phenylglycine Derivatives as Coinitiators for the Radical Photopolymerization of Acidic Aqueous FormulationsArtikel Article2006
5Ganster, Beate ; Ullrich, Gerald ; Moszner, Norbert ; Salz, Ulrich ; Liska, Robert Hydrophilic photoinitiators for acidic aqueous dental formulationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
6Ullrich, Gerald ; Liska, Robert ; Burtscher, Peter ; Salz, Ulrich ; Moszner, Norbert Investigation of Phenylglycine Derivatives as CoinitiatorsPräsentation Presentation2005
7Ullrich, Gerald ; Liska, Robert ; Burtscher, Peter ; Salz, Ulrich ; Moszner, Norbert Investigation of Phenylglycine Derivatives as CoinitiatorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005