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Kaiser, Bertrand

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schuster, Monika ; Turecek, Claudia ; Kaiser, Bertrand ; Varga, Franz ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Liska, Robert Biophotopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Cellular Bone Replacement MaterialsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
2Schuster, Monika ; Turecek, Claudia ; Kaiser, Bertrand ; Varga, Franz ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Liska, Robert Biophotopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Cellular Bone Replacement MaterialsPräsentation Presentation2006
3Turecek, Claudia ; Schuster, Monika ; Varga, Franz ; Liska, Robert ; Kaiser, Bertrand ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Klaushofer, K. Evaluation and influence of photopolymers, capable for rapid prototyping on proliferation and morphologiy of osteoblastsArtikel Article2006
4Turecek, Claudia ; Schuster, Monika ; Varga, Franz ; Liska, Robert ; Kaiser, Bertrand ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Klaushofer, K. Evaluation and influence of photopolymers, capable for rapid prototyping, on the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastsPräsentation Presentation2006