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Aro, Nina

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1Stricker, Astrid R. ; Trefflinger, Peter ; Aro, Nina ; Penttilä, Merja ; Mach, Robert L. Role of Ace2 (Activator of Cellulases 2) within the xyn2 transcriptosome of Hypocrea jecorinaArtikel Article Apr-2008
2Stricker, Astrid R. ; Trefflinger, Peter ; Aro, Nina ; Penttila, Merja E. ; Mach, Robert L. Involvement of Ace2(Activator of Cellulases 2) in the architecture of the yxn2 transcriptosome of Hypocrea jecorinaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
3Rauscher, Roman ; Würleitner, Elisabeth ; Wacenovsky, C ; Aro, Nina ; Stricker, Astrid R. ; Zeilinger, Susanne ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Penttilä, Merja E. ; Mach, Robert L. Transciptional Regulation of xyn1, Encoding Xylanase I, in Hypocrea jecorinaArtikel Article2006